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Letters: Response to letter

According to Ben Castillo (Letters, March 1), our country has descended into a society that: (1) declares “war” against police and law enforcement; (2) allows people to assault other people without suffering the consequences; (3) has cities that care more about protecting criminals than law-abiding citizens; and (4) treats/classifies illegal immigrants as a “protected” class.

A great place to live

Residents of the Rio GrandeValley have faced some extraordinary challenges over the past two years. The COVID-19 pandemic, 19 months of border closures, tightening supply chains and growing inflation have had serious health, economic and social consequences for RGV communities.

COMMENTARY: Let’s talk about colon cancer

South Texas, we need to talk about colon cancer.

COMMENTARY: Let’s talk about colon cancer

South Texas, we need to talk about colon cancer.

LETTERS: Do more for Ukraine

All over the country news outlets are showing solidarity with Ukraine by running stories and photos about local Ukrainians.

Letters: Marketing of religion

Drew Carey of The Price is Right has elevated himself spiritually. He says his program is “a blessing” and tells his huge flock of followers, “I love you.”

Letters: Timing questioned

Won’t scientific wonders never cease? Congress’ attending physician dropped the mask mandate for Congress, just in time for the State of the Union address. Impressive!

Letters: Comments addressed

In a political radio ad, a female candidate boasts, “Vote for me because unlike President Biden, I care about America.” Now why would a wannabe politician say this about President Biden? Is she assuming Americans are looking for “liars” to vote for? Does she believe Americans are dimwitted?