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Close to home: Local news reporting benefits our community

Increasingly, people are using the internet to inform themselves of major news events, and turning away from local news sources. That change isn’t necessarily for the better; unfortunately, many people don’t recognize the many caveats that come with such a shift, especially when online searches become their only source of information.

Glad to be part of U.S.

On March 29 I read Mr. Roger Hyer’s letter (“Joe Biden is no bully”) with great interest. The last paragraph

Abortion doesn’t decrease crime

In a recent letter to the editor, Hank Shiver referenced a study from 2001 linking crime and abortion. He states that “banning abortions increases crime.”

Letters: Biden called a warmonger

In October 1962, at age 19, I slept next to the planes with the paratroopers of the famed 82nd Airborne Division. We were waiting to jump into Havana in what would have been World War III, if for President John F. Kennedy.

Misused Restrictions on immigration for health, not convenience

We get it. More waves of immigrants are headed to our southern border, including Rio GrandeValley ports of entry. And we’re not ready.

Keep it clean: Reducing waste can help avoid growth of environmental issues

Once government officials began to lift pandemic-related mask regulations, many environmentalists warned about a landscape littered with masks and other debris. After U.S. District Judge Kathryn Kimball Mizelle of Florida invalidated mask mandates on public transportation, airlines and other carriers reported planes, buses and other vehicles littered with the items. Flight attendants and airline officials said people almost ceremoniously tossed the masks onto seats or into the air.

Letters: Lawmakers criticized

After reading The Monitor’s staff article on Filemon Vela’s premature departure from congress, it mentioned the congressman’s lackluster list of accomplishments. Ten years in congress and his two major bills according to Govtrac, he initiated two major bills:

Victory Easter story offers a reminder: Bad events fought, not avoided

We wish a blessed Easter to all who celebrate the victory of their savior over earthly death. The story caps off a three-day story in which the man who came to save the world ultimately was betrayed, tortured and executed by government officials who saw him as a threat. The Scripture readings of the day recount how even his closest and most devoted followers didn’t understand the events of the previous few days:

Remembering Texas vets

On March 29, 1973, the last remaining members of the U.S. Armed Forces withdrew from Vietnam and returned home. To commemorate this day, in 2009, I passed legislation to designate March 29 as Texas Vietnam Veterans Day. Eight years ago on this day, we dedicated the TexasCapitolVietnamVeteransMonument to welcome home our Texas Vietnam veterans. This beautiful monument on the northeast grounds of the Capitol honors the loyalty and the courage of those Texans who served in Vietnam.

Letters: Alcohol Facts Week

Each year the National Institute on Drug Abuse sponsors and dedicates a week to observe National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week. This year March 21-27 gave the public a chance to collaborate with scientists and doctors from around the nation to help tear down social stigmas and the myths that surround substance abuse and mental health.