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A business plan is essential:Three points owners can take

The exciting news is, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, new business starts are trending upward, with 5.5 million new business applications filed in 2023 alone.

Who pays for a city’s new construction and growth?

The city of Brownsville is proposing the implementation of a “capital recovery fee” on new construction. An average fee of $2,000 would be collected on every new building in the city, both residential and commercial. The city’s justification is to cover the cost of roadway and capital expenses needed to service these new structures. As the city’s final report describes it: “growth paying for growth.”

Congress should protect, strengthen food benefits

2023 has brought a wave of challenges to Texas families. We saw record levels of inflation across essentials like rent, gas, and groceries, at the same time pandemic-era benefits expired. As a result, as many as 2 in 3 Texans are one financial emergency away from not being able to afford groceries.

LETTERS: One person can make all the difference

With the excitement generated by the well-planned downlink with astronauts on the International Space Station this month I wanted to share how important it is for each person to do his or her part that only they can do. So I am sharing some thoughts about The Power of One, or, Good Things Take Time to Happen.

LETTERS: Trump fans draw attack

By Jan. 6, 2021, the 2020 election had already been decided. The results of the election were to be officially certified on Jan. 6th. There had been 60 court cases that had dismissed or disproven any election fraud. Many of these judges were Trump appointees.

Letters: Columnist condemned

Some people are just unbelievably blind, or ignorant. And Ruben Navarrette doesn’t disappoint. He writes in his commentary of Aug. 6 that Trump is “Acting like a sore loser” regarding the 2020 presidential election.

Letters: School boards spur complaint

Seems to me, school board members don’t care about students’ education, but come armed to the teeth to oust a good superintendent because they don’t like them, let alone the millions to buy out the contract, which the school has to pay for.

LETTERS: What about Democrats?, More births applauded, Trump is not the president, Services, not...

Just a few comments in response to letter by Letty Martinez-Roerig (June 21), who states that former President Trump and Republicans as a whole are the greatest threat to our republic.

LETTERS: Trump blasted

Over the past 10 years I’ve watched Republicans play fast and loose with the information they claim is factual. Yes, Operation Warp Speed was a successful, life-saving operation, but it was put in place only after Mr. Trump spent six months trying to convince the American public that it was “only one tourist,” “it was just the flu,” fighting with and intimidating Dr. Anthony Fauci and the CDC, advising the public that drinking bleach might be effective until, after catching it himself, he finally fully implemented Operation Warp Speed.

LETTERS: Don’t permit development

Our families want more than a concrete jungle, they want a thriving environment in which to raise their children. At a recent town hall meeting, residents expressed concerns about additional flooding in the area, environmental impact of development, loss of a Frisbee golf course and family access to nature.