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Winds of revolution approaching gale force

Americans are now entering uncharted, revolutionary territory, and the winds of revolution are not just blowing, they are at gale force and strengthening.

Letters: Going green was a success

Does Joe Biden going green really work? I installed solar panels on my home three years ago. My total electric bill for those three years combined has been $350. So if you would ask me if it works for me, my answer would be yes, it works.

Letters: Border stance deemed ironic

Has anyone else seen the irony, perhaps hypocrisy, in Mayra Flores’ campaign ad where she tells of her family moving from Mexico to the U.S. where she could live the “American Dream,” but she is so adamant that others should not be allowed to do the same?

Henry Cuellar stands with big business, not workers

U.S. Rep. Henry Cuellar is under fire from all directions in the runoff election that could end his 17-year stint in Congress. He won’t say why the FBI raided his home and office in January. Allegations that he fired a staffer for being pregnant won’t go away. Being the last anti-abortion Democrat in the House isn’t helping either.

Letters: Abortion and guns

This letter’s purpose was to honor May 14, including my hometown of Alpine, opposing the Supreme Court’s draft opinion overturning Roe v. Wade. However, sudden news of the supermarket shooting in a Buffalo, N.Y., predominantly black neighborhood, my former home town, hit me hard. Before I completed this, multiple shootings occurred at a Houston flea-market and Laguna Woods, Calif., church! Enough yet?

Letters: Jesus didn’t judge others

Homosexuality was well known in the ancient world long before Christ was born. Jesus never said a word about homosexuality. He never passed judgment in his teachings about multiple subjects. He never once said that gay people should be condemned, yet our church where we go to worship the word of Christ you condemn homosexuality.

Letters: Partisan visit not welcome

Dear McAllen Mayor and City Commission,

Letters: U.S. lovers don’t do this

America-loving people do not promote Marxism, communism, socialism or dictatorships; also, they do not promote “green new deals” of unreliable, intermittent energy. They don’t buy energy from communist dictators. They do not buy votes with hard-earned American taxpayer money to finance vote-harvesting anarchy along our border. Good Americans do not pretend to be likeable, while they bury or seal their personal files to cover up personal wrongdoings for political advantage.

Letters: Loans can’t be erased

Let’s get one thing straight: There is no such thing as “debt forgiveness.” You may tell someone that he or she does not have to repay a debt, but rest assured, the debt will be paid by someone. In the case of student debt forgiveness, the working taxpayer will be expected to pay the loan. A few questions come to mind here:

Letters: Christians: like Christ?

Many Christians in business, insurance, finance, government and education today pride themselves on being “Christ-like,” as if they possessed the full profile of skills and knowledge Jesus demonstrated in his day.