Letters: U.S. lovers don’t do this

America-loving people do not promote Marxism, communism, socialism or dictatorships; also, they do not promote “green new deals” of unreliable, intermittent energy. They don’t buy energy from communist dictators. They do not buy votes with hard-earned American taxpayer money to finance vote-harvesting anarchy along our border. Good Americans do not pretend to be likeable, while they bury or seal their personal files to cover up personal wrongdoings for political advantage.

America-loving patriots do not look at the speck in their neighbor’s eye while ignoring the log in theirs by using “select judiciary committees” while using their high-powered positions to self-profit with insider trading.

America-loving patriots do not violate parents’ rights in public schools to protect their children’s health and well being. They do not condone the indoctrination of little children’s minds with coercive, inappropriate agendas.

Imelda Coronado



draw attack

Fittingly, Friday the 13th was Jen Psaki’s last day on the job for the Biden administration. According to CNN she held more press briefings than all of President Trump’s press secretaries. Not surprising, since her boss, Joe Biden, is rarely seen on major networks news shows due to his gaffes and lack of recall. Instead of showing Biden speak the news anchors of the major networks do a brief synopsis of his speech and only snippets are shown of Biden; nothing in its entirety since he goes off track and seems incoherent at times. In Joe Biden’s world if you don’t see it, it never happened, another reason he has ignored the letter from Hidalgo County Judge Richard Cortez to come to the RGV before repealing Title 42.

Judge Cortez suffers from the old saying, “Fool me once, shame on you,” as he has now been fooled twice by Biden ignoring his request to come to the Valley. If Biden comes to the RGV he knows he would be met by protests as he has already been called out by his own party members. Even Beto O’Rourke is backpedaling and asking that Title 42 be left in place. Shocking, coming from the guy who wants to be governor, is against the border wall, wants open borders and is in favor of making Texas a sanctuary state for anyone who has entered this country illegally.

Sadly, Joe Biden has failed us all, from the Afghan withdrawal disaster to the economic crisis we now face in this country. The border crisis here with hundreds of thousands of undocumented aliens being given “carte blanche,” free to do as they please, all on the dime of the American taxpayer.

On the world stage he has failed, in the Ukraine thousands are dying because Biden chose sanctions over drawing a line in the sand like JFK did in October of 1962. He failed to stand up to Vladimir Putin like JFK stood up to Nikita Khrushchev; instead of a naval blockade he deferred to sanctions. In 1962 the Russians blinked and retreated from Cuba; a similar show of force might have saved Ukraine and its people, but Putin saw weakness and took advantage of Biden’s weakness as a world leader.

The “Orange Man” with the mean tweets scolded European allies and Germany for forging an energy alliance with Russia, an alliance they and the rest of the world now regret.

Jake Longoria
