Letters: Loans can’t be erased

Let’s get one thing straight: There is no such thing as “debt forgiveness.” You may tell someone that he or she does not have to repay a debt, but rest assured, the debt will be paid by someone. In the case of student debt forgiveness, the working taxpayer will be expected to pay the loan. A few questions come to mind here:

1. How is it that a person who borrowed and spent said money, used it to get educated and is now probably making a five-figure salary, is now not expected to pay it back?

2. Why is a person who didn’t go to college for fear of not being able to afford it or for not wanting to later start his working life after graduation with a monstrous student debt, get stuck with somebody else’s debt?

3. How can the current administrator justify this action with the millions of Americans who went to college with the help of a student loan and then busted their tail paying it off?

4. How is it fair that a person who did not go to college and is now working five or six days a week in order to make $40,000 to $60,000 a year be expected to pay off the debt of a college graduate who is now making $80,000 to $150,000 a year working for some “big shot” firm?

Remember, the debt cannot be forgiven. It is merely transferred from one party (the student) to another party (America’s working class).

This debt forgiveness ploy appears to be a desperate attempt by a frantic president trying to buy votes (again) before the midterm election.

I can hear a distant rumbling getting louder by the minute. Wait, it looks like a giant red wave.

José C. Coronado



are worse

I am retired, on a set income, and I have always tried to live within my means. I just recently filled my vehicle with fuel and it cost $107. Two years ago it cost less than half of that. Today, I read where gas prices had increased 21 cents in a week and diesel is more than $5 per gallon.

Along with these fuel increases, inflation is skyrocketing and the cost of just about anything you buy has substantially increased if you can even find it. Today, mothers are even having a hard time finding baby formula. Why?

These are scenarios being played out since January 2021, with the election of the current president and his so-called “build back better” plan. It doesn’t seem to be working too well as far as I’m concerned.

Weeks ago, the president went on television and announced he was doing everything he could to reduce the price of fuel. I laughed to myself. Announcing this after canceling the Keystone pipeline and putting more restrictive guidelines on areas of our energy sector is laughable. What a joke, but not funny!

What has he done? Basically, nothing to alleviate the situation except to blame others for what is happening.

Eliminating the fossil fuel industry and excessive spending seem at the root of the higher prices we pay today and for most of the shortages. The president started this agenda on his very first day in office, and he and those he follows have not let up since. Useless talk, excuses, blame and lack of transparency come easy for this president and those he is following. Standing at a podium meandering doesn’t solve problems; neither does blaming others.

Basic common sense and my pocketbook tells me I’m not better off than I was two years ago. Are you? Let’s change!

Melvin L. Thompson
