86.6 F


Letter: Animal tragedies

Gerard Pahl’s poignant letter of March 2 speaks to the tragedy that plays out on our Valley roadways on a daily basis. Countless times, my husband and I have tried to coax abandoned animals to trust us enough to rescue them, sometimes successfully, more often not. I’m sure some of them hold out for their owner’s return.

Letterr: Release recounted

A news release from our Texas Attorney General’s Office in March 2021, on Donald Trump’s open borders illegal immigration cost to Texan taxpayers alone, reported the following:

Letter: No game plan for Ukraine

The Biden administration had nothing but sanctions on the table in defense of the Ukraine. Biden has no “A” game when it comes to foreign policy, going back to his days in Congress and as vice president in the Obama administration that gave Crimea to the Russians.

Trump support questioned

The police entered the apartment in the middle of the night, unannounced and supposedly looking for a criminal. What they encountered was a man sleeping on a couch wrapped up in a comforter. The police kicked the couch and startled the man out of his sleep. Woozy headed, he instinctively reached for his gun. The police spotted the gun and immediately shot him dead. The victim was not the criminal the intruders were looking for. So, another case of someone dying because of someone else’s incompetence is in the daily news. Young Amir Locke was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Another tragic incident, another senseless death, another mother grieving for her son and seeking justice. When will all these perpetual nightmares end?


I am horrified by the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Dictator Vladimir Putin is taking over his democratic neighbor to make it a Russian puppet.

Keep an eyeon Big Energy




Trump attackdraws response

In response to Joe Villarreal’s letter of Feb. 25, Trump supporters agree he’s not a saint, that he is a street-fighter type who loves his country and fights for his people. That is what frenzies the media and followers to hate him. They can’t stand it.

IndependenceDay forgotten


LETTER: Basic choice

I am horrified by the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Dictator Vladimir Putin is taking over his democratic neighbor to make it a Russian puppet.