Letter: Animal tragedies

Gerard Pahl’s poignant letter of March 2 speaks to the tragedy that plays out on our Valley roadways on a daily basis. Countless times, my husband and I have tried to coax abandoned animals to trust us enough to rescue them, sometimes successfully, more often not. I’m sure some of them hold out for their owner’s return.

Passing their bodies later reminds us of how far we are from being a safe, humane community. Like Pahl, I know calling the county’s animal control department is usually futile. Even if they answer, we get more excuses than action.

When I joined the board of Palm Valley Animal Society in 2015, I thought education was the key. Surely if all citizens knew the importance of spaying and neutering, we could stop the unwanted litters at the heart of the problem. But the lack of access to affordable spay/neuter services is by far the bigger challenge.

In a county of almost 1 million people, I’m pretty sure we have only one low-cost clinic, with available appointments months away. More clinics and veterinarians are desperately needed.

At PVAS these days, 9 of 10 animals coming in have lifesaving outcomes, but a significant percentage of them have or had homes. Increasing access to inexpensive microchipping would help keep more pets with their families.

For those not willing or able to keep their pets, PVAS can help them explore humane rehoming options.

As for those residents whose idea of animal control is abandoning their pet or litter beside a busy road, they should be the ones to suffer consequences, not the bewildered, innocent animals left watching for a familiar face.

Keely Lewis
