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LETTERS: Paper blasted

I just read Scott Sherman’s commentary (“Fragile democracy,” June 20). He suggests that you read “The making of a myth” in The Washington Post...

LETTERS: Should children be vaccinated?

Should children be vaccinated for COVID-19? Only if the risks to the child from COVID are greater than than the risks from the vaccination....

LETTERS: Politics

The propaganda machine blurts out that Democrats are destroying country. His brainwashed mind is so exposed to right wing propaganda, he has lost track...

LETTERS: AWL Texas Democrats

In the military if one goes “over the hill,” or leaves his post for a few days, he is designated as “Absent Without Leave,”...

LETTERS: Harris and the border

So, let me get this straight. Kamala Harris went to South America to speak to the presidents of the Northern Triangle - San Salvador,...

LETTERS: UFO mystery

For the last 30 days, the news media has been reporting that our military service for several years now has seen and video taped...

LETTERS: Safe and secure elections

I vote in every election and am proud of the dedicated professional election officials in my county. I always smile and say thank you...

EDITORIAL: Standoff: Legislators should believe that negotiation is possible

It’s unfortunate that Texas lawmakers feel the need to abscond in order to keep legislation from advancing. It’s hard to negotiate with people who...

LETTERS: Voter suppression good for elections

“Voter suppression” actually translates to election integrity. Don’t let words fool you. Any election minus true election integrity is a farce and nothing more than...

LETTERS: Recent letter spurs response

Juan Vega from McAllen believes liberals think guns are violent (Your Voices, June 22). Is it possible that Vega heard somebody say that guns...