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LETTERS: Bible depicts socialism

When Ms. Imelda Coronado refers to “Dear Lord” (Letters, May 24), I assume she is referring to Jesus or the Jewish God. I would...

COMMENTARY: Partnerships critical to vaccinating Rio Grande Valley residents

By DR. ELENA MARIN, Special to the VMS Earlier this year, the Rio Grande Valley was reported to have one of the lowest COVID-19 vaccination...

LETTERS: One man’s perspectiveL

This is not a hate commentary but just my observation. I don’t claim to be the sharpest tool in the kitchen, and I have definitely...

LETTERS: Question for Biden

Hey, Joe Biden, when is “build back better” supposed to start? You’ve shut down the pipeline causing increases in gas prices. You’ve allowed massive illegal...

LETTERS: Charge Democrat for publication

The Herald should charge Joe Villarreal of Edinburg for his Democratic political advertisement (Your Voices, May 7), touting Biden’s first 100 days in office...

LETTERS: Missing centrism

As a senior citizen who has become “invisible” to most “political people” who are under the age of 50, I am writing because I...

LETTERS: Administration draws criticism

The Biden administration has already done some shameful things, but this one is the most appalling. Why is he taking minor illegal immigrant kids,...

LETTERS: Christianity and violence

This is in response to Mr. Hank Shiver’s letter to the editor printed May 20 concerning “Religion and blame.” I completely agree with Rafael Cruz’s...

LETTERS: Satanic wages

I’ve noticed for the last several weeks that certain retailers and other big corporations are stating that there is a labor shortage in this...

LETTERS: People hurt SPI wildlife

Have you traveled to South Padre Island recently? In late March, I drove out to the coast for lunch with friends to pick up...