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Efforts to ban abortions raises several questions

I am against abortion. In our early years, if my wife and I were expecting a child, I would not have wanted her to have an abortion. However, I do not feel that my beliefs should be forced on another so I feel that Roe vs. Wade should remain in place.

Letters: Governed by idiots

This thing about Republicans and Democrats calling each other idiots is not a novel thing. It’s as old as politics. Unfortunately, if these people are right, I guess we can safely say we’re a nation of idiots? But of course, we’re not!

Letters: Execution end sought

Now is the time for a moratorium on the death penalty in Texas. Recent surveys in the state have shown that public opinion is shifting fast, with the lowest-ever-seen support of statesanctioned executions. The recent case of Melissa Lucio has brought this to the forefront of many locals’ minds, as there is the very real possibility that Melissa is not guilty of murder, and yet she came within two days of being put to death by Texas. In fact, it is very likely that the state has executed at least five innocent people in the post-Furman era.

Gratitude and graduation: Success begins with teachers

As high school graduation approaches and I prepare to leave for college, I increasingly find myself reflecting on the people who have shaped the person I am today. As a child of Kenyan immigrants, the values of hard work, resilience and perseverance were instilled in me at an early age.

Letters: Help Ukraine without troops

I think we should help Ukraine. Russia is massacring civilians. I think we should not send troops into Ukraine because we’re not trying to start a major war. I think ways to help is by donating to the Ukrainian relief fund and that the U.S. government to send supplies to the Ukrainian military.

Letters: Inmates endure harsh conditions

There is a population in Texas who are abused and neglected. Yes, I am all for assisting the illegal immigrants, the homeless and the needy. However, I see so many people fighting for their various rights but never speaking up for the inmates in Texas prisons. Why is that? I am not sure, but I do know that because of our unjust, corrupt legal system, many in prison who lack money and good legal help are innocent.

Letters : Women targeted

A highly disturbing trend is happening in Texas along the border and especially in our RGV concerning how women are being harassed, threatened and even criminalized. Egregious acts against women are being perpetrated by individuals as well as politicians and police. What are they?

Letters: Surprise disasters

For want of a nail the shoe was lost,

Working for cleaner ways to fuel our future

Texas knows energy. The hard work and ingenuity of Texans has made us our nation’s leading producer of oil, natural gas, wind power and electricity, and in most cases, No. 2 isn’t close. Texans have driven the United States’ resurgent energy independence, and now we are increasingly providing Texas energy to our friends and partners around the globe.

Letters: Pay increases came at a price

Recently I went to Walmart to make some purchases. After I had put more than 40 grocery items in my basket, I headed for the checkout lanes. To my surprise, all of the cashier checkout lanes were closed. And I’m talking around 2 p.m.