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Letters: Focus on fact

It appears that many who write letters to the editor want to rewrite Webster’s dictionary. Webster’s defines “blame” in short as: “the responsibility for a fault or wrong.” Republicans, on the other hand, seem to believe it means the inaccurate, irresponsible, self-serving act of accusing their target of doing, saying or supporting something or someone they don’t like. Then they amplify the accusation with hearsay or information from biased sources.

Letters: Commentary draws praise

Excellent commentary by Ms. Louise Butler on your Jan. 31 opinion page. Her intelligent assessment of the 6-year-old’s horrific and unjustifiable shooting of his teacher is very well said, and much needed in this turbulent world of today.

Letters: We have forgotten

Free-market economics 101: supply and demand.” Americans are demanding consumers. Violent drug cartels respond accordingly. By analogy, a baseball game cannot be played without pitchers and catchers.

Letters: Listen to your heart

Does your doctor listen to your heart every time you visit? Even the faintest murmurs heard through a stethoscope can be a sign of heart valve disease. A condition affecting more than 11 million Americans, heart valve disease happens when one or more of the heart’s four valves are damaged. Other common symptoms can include lightheadedness, chest pain, tiredness, edema, or feeling “off” in general — but these symptoms are too often shrugged off. However, shrugging it off can be life-threatening. Undiagnosed heart valve disease kills more than 25,000 people a year, and most deaths are entirely preventable.

Letters: Questions answered

Being a person like Mr. Ben Castillo I like to ask questions, but I would much prefer answering his of Feb 3. Here are the answers for his concerns about immigration.

Letters: Speech assessed

Will wonders never cease? I usually don’t watch the beginning of the State of the Union speech but this one was an exception. Our president, from the time he was ushered into the House chamber, was an old-time politician until he exited the Chamber. Our young whippersnapper of a president shook hands, talked to everyone and some even got to hug him. What a show!

Letters: Gas plants not wanted

What is going on with the liquefied natural gas export terminals at the Brownsville Navigation District? Have you seen the Rio Grande LNG ads in our local news for a community feedback process? As of this writing, the chairman and CEO of RGLNG parent company Next Decade has written the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission that he cannot understand the hold-up with its construction. This same construction will result in the destruction of our local natural resources and endanger the health of our local citizenry.

Anniversary a great time to strengthen landmark law

Fifty years ago, responding to public demand in an era of reform, Texas enacted a sweeping law ensuring the people’s right to know about their government.

Letters: Writer addressed

Mrs. Coronado complains of her persecution by anything or anyone non-conservative. Her target on Jan 26 22 26 was Joe Biden. She claims that Trump had effective solutions, yet how effective were they since only after Joe’s election did they start improving?

Letters: Foster system spurs comment

On your front page on Jan. 29 U.S. Judge Janis Graham Jack seems to be fed up with Gov. Greg Abbott’s lack of leadership in taking care of our foster children. This is happening day after day and nobody seems to care. These kids are brought into this world by ignorant parents, drug addicts, the very poor and just low-life people.