Letters: Gas plants not wanted

What is going on with the liquefied natural gas export terminals at the Brownsville Navigation District? Have you seen the Rio Grande LNG ads in our local news for a community feedback process? As of this writing, the chairman and CEO of RGLNG parent company Next Decade has written the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission that he cannot understand the hold-up with its construction. This same construction will result in the destruction of our local natural resources and endanger the health of our local citizenry.

The chair also states, “the world is watching and waiting for the Commission’s action in this proceeding, perplexed by the lack of action for 18 months in light of the limited remand. If the order on remand is not on the February agenda, Next Decade requests an explanation as to why the order is not ready to be voted on.”

But those of us who live in the area know full well that LNGs are incompatible with our coastal area, which is the last of “the green fields of Texas” and in close proximity to wildlife refuges, parks, beaches and tourist areas. SpaceX is also located near the proposed LNGs and is also incompatible with the area, but Elon Musk is already entrenched in remaking Brownsville into his own image; so let’s add explosive industries nearby? How does this make sense for the local communities of South Padre Island, Laguna Vista and Port Isabel?

Now, FERC staff has requested via phone call (public record of what exactly requested is documented only partially?) from Next Decade and has submitted a map depicting the terminal and all census track blocks within a 50-kilometer radius. But, the map does not show SPI, Laguna Vista or Port Isabel population areas in blocked linear images of the three towns’ construction. Is this intentional and misleading to/for FERC from RGLNG?

The towns of Laguna Vista, Port Isabel and South Padre Island all commented to FERC more than five years ago that LNGs are not wanted.

So, once again Next Decade will make profits galore while the local residents suffer the effects of their pollution; and nationwide, U.S. citizens will pay more for fuel in our own country, because it is being sent to other countries for the highest possible price? The only real winner is Next Decade — and its bottom line. So don’t be fooled. It’s just more of the corporate con.

Dane Teter




This letter is in response to Oscar Garza (“Trump blasted,” Feb. 8).

Garza stated, “If President Biden had not committed himself to restore the soul of America, one can only guess what would have happened in Trump’s second term.”

Let me answer that for you, Oscar Garza. This is what would have happened:

1. Our southern border would be secure.

2. Gas would be cheaper, so would eggs.

3. Inflation would not be at its highest.

4. The U.S. would not be on an almost major course of possible war with China. Remember your Joe’s response to the balloon?

5. Vladimir Putin would not have attacked Ukraine.

6. The U.S. would be exporting oil to the world rather than begging Venezuela for it.

7. Our military would be ready to defend the U.S. against our enemies.

This would Keep America Great!

Hilda Garza DeShazo

Hidalgo County GOP secretary
