Letters: Foster system spurs comment

On your front page on Jan. 29 U.S. Judge Janis Graham Jack seems to be fed up with Gov. Greg Abbott’s lack of leadership in taking care of our foster children. This is happening day after day and nobody seems to care. These kids are brought into this world by ignorant parents, drug addicts, the very poor and just low-life people.

The Pharisees in government stand on their soapboxes everywhere in the state screaming about having no abortions in the state and the whole country. They say these unborn children have all the rights that everyone has! But it seems that after they come into this world, they are fair game for all kinds of abuse by sex perverts and slave masters!

These people, according to my Bible, will be shunned at the gates of heaven. Beware!

I say to the judge, hold our governor’s feet to the fire!

Bill Williams




Too bad the political system doesn’t mirror the criminal system in one way. By that I mean the three-strike rule: break the law in certain states three times and you spend the rest of your life in prison for heinous crimes. Joe Biden has failed on the international stage for a third time and why he has not been impeached is beyond me.

First he failed in Afghanistan during the hasty retreat that cost the lives of 13 precious American soldiers, not to mention the billions in military equipment he left behind.

Secondly in Ukraine, he and his stooges have flip-flopped on everything from sanctions to military aid. When President Kennedy was in office and the Russians threatened in Cuba he initiated a naval blockade and the Ruskies backed off. A blockade of the Ukrainian port of Odessa would have sent a strong message to the Russian leaders. This port is important due to the fact that most of Europe’s and Africa’s wheat supply comes from that region; now Africa is facing grain shortages, starvation and misery. Europe now depends on America for more wheat and grain as does the rest of the world, raising prices of grains worldwide.

Finally we come to the China balloon fiasco, a spy in the sky that should have been shot down as soon as it entered American airspace. If it had been the other way around Chinese or Russian defenses would not have blinked and shot down whatever entered their airspace.

Three failures to protect American interests, lives and sovereignty, and not even mentioning the current immigration crisis at the U.S. border where Biden has failed the American people. On the world stage he has imperiled Europe, Africa and Taiwan through his weakness and lack of international crisis handling.

Biden’s warped idea that America can lead by converting cars to electric power is a fool’s errand, while the rest of the world, China, Russia and the rest of our enemies snicker at this, knowing that the world’s largest polluters, India and China, won’t go electric anytime soon, if ever. Thanks to Biden’s ineffective sanctions on Russia and China we now see the extermination of the Ukrainian population on the daily news, and the imminent invasion of Taiwan by China.

No, Joe Biden won’t stand up to our adversaries but you can. The next time you are at the big box store pay attention to the country-of-origin mark on your items, and buy American and send an economic message to our enemies.

Jake Longoria
