80.9 F


Letters: Political prostitution

Has anyone noticed that CNN is getting a little foxy, like Fox News? They are leaning way right; they’re criticizing the president, especially that Jake Tapper. Jake Tapper thinks he’s another Walter Cronkite, not even close.

Letters: Comments countered

Oscar Garza (“Abbott visit a waste,” Feb. 13), writes that Gov. Abbott should spend billions of surplus dollars on education, teacher pay and school security. I agree with him on that. But when he states that Abbott should “let President Biden and Mr. Alejandro Mayorkas handle their federal responsibility, which is the borders of America,” he completely loses my support.

We have more to fear from stupid than evil people

It turns out that Fox News, fair and balanced, is really Faux News, lying through their teeth. Internal memos and emails surfacing in the Dominion lawsuit against Fox News and others show that Fox News personnel, news broadcasters and commentators knew that the Big Lie really was a big lie. They were complicit in promoting the Big Lie to keep their ratings and stock prices higher. They knew that if they told the truth, their audience would leave them to find news that they liked on the internet and through social media.

Letters: Trump bashed

This is a in response to the Donald Trump supporter and habitual writer from Edinburg.

Letters: Paxton blasted

On Feb. 21 you printed an editorial from the Austin American-Statesman concerning our conniving Attorney General Ken Paxton, who is trying to get the legislators to fund the bill for his wrongdoings in office.

Too many animals are dumped along Valley roadways

The truck sped away leaving plumes of dust 10 feet up in the air and covering the width of the dirt road. The “dumped” mangy, pregnant dog ran to catch up to its human — to no avail.

Letters: Commentary draws attack

Al Garcia (Feb. 6) tries to equate the current illegal immigration chaos to the biblical birth of Jesus. Although his analogy is quite stylish, it really misses the mark.

Letters: Gonzalez thanked

Kudos and thanks to Rep. Vicente Gonzalez’s efforts to repatriate patriotic, deported veterans who gave of themselves in defense of this noble America.

Letters: Enough blaming

I just finished reading Mr. Sheats’ letter dated Feb. 16. Really, Mr. Sheats, can’t you come up with any ideas of your own instead of just dedicating your days to attacking Mrs. Coronado and other conservatives?

Letters: Targeting entitlements

I quickly skim the letters to the editor according to author, and one writer repeatedly rants about President Biden and his administration, and harangues Democrats for their social agenda; but isn’t she also receiving and participating in what her coup-loving Republicans are now calling “entitlements,” which would include her Social Security and Medicare?