Letters: Writer addressed

Mrs. Coronado complains of her persecution by anything or anyone non-conservative. Her target on Jan 26 22 26 was Joe Biden. She claims that Trump had effective solutions, yet how effective were they since only after Joe’s election did they start improving?

I like questions, but Mrs. Coronado never has answers or suggested solutions. She complains that 24 of Trump’s executive orders were reversed. Which ones? The ones that handed Joe a failing economy, a delayed evacuation of Afghanistan, an inhumane immigrant policy? She complains about the 17 he wrote. How about No. 1, that required masks on federal property, No. 4 that extended eviction moratoriums, No. 16 that implemented an ethics pledge, or No. 11 that abolished Trump’s Muslim ban? They all sound very American to me.

She complains about “$1.7 trillion pure pork bills” and “$10 trillion spent in 2022 alone” without identifying one such bill or its intent.

She complains about Joe’s “cruel inflationary policies” and no relief for our “devastated economy.” Again Imelda, I ask the same questions of you: Did any of these actions require you to move out of your upscale neighborhood, take food from your table, clothes from your back or roof from over your head or in any significant manner from anyone you know? I think not! Did you ever consider that the Trump economy of tax the poor, pay the rich was unsustainable?

Finally, you say “Biden’s capricious canceling of Twitter accounts ….” Sorry, Mrs. Coronado, on Dec. 22. 2020, Twitter canceled all White House accounts, not Joe. Joe only asked that effective COVID information be prioritized.

If you need to hate, please direct it at Trump’s pal, Vladimir Putin, not a fellow American trying his best.

Ned Sheats


Not afraid

of Trump

In his letter to the editor on Feb. 8, Joel Ramirez tells us that Democrats are “incredibly” terrified that Trump might run for president again. Is he joking? From what I gather, Democrats are ecstatic that the Donald is even thinking about running again. They hope he and Ron DeSantis will entertain the world with their juvenile mud-slinging and name-calling theatrics. It will be hilarious!

The Biden administration, according to Joel, is “falling apart,” the economy is in “shambles,” the border is in “chaos,” inflation is “unchecked,” the sky is falling and 75% of Democrats don’t want Biden to run for reelection.

As for Joel and others, Trump is still “their guy.” And “their guy” will transform the above gloom into a delightful euphoria. Hmm — OK.

Lindsey Graham, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio and other prominent Republicans warned us that Trump was not fit to be president, and they were right, and Democrats agreed! A majority of Republican voters didn’t heed the warning either because they didn’t agree, they didn’t get the message, or they just simply ignored it. Regardless, after they elected Trump president, the chaos that followed flourished!

If Democrats are terrified that Trump might run for president again, as Joel seems to think, it’s not because they think Trump can trump their candidate. What scares them the most is the realization that even though Trump has shown the world what he’s made of, some folks still don’t care. They want more of Trump.

Italo J. Zarate
