Letters: Trump bashed

This is a in response to the Donald Trump supporter and habitual writer from Edinburg.

Fear Trump? What a joke! According to a Quinnipiac Poll taken Dec. 14 before Joe Biden hit a grand slam with his State of the Union speech, Democrats have an 85% favorable opinion of Biden; among Republican voters, 70% have a favorable opinion of Trump.

With that said, let’s s compare President Biden’s two-year record compared to the four-year record for Trump. The short list:

Trump promised an infrastructure bill; he lied and failed. President Biden passed and signed a $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill, which will invest in bridges, roads, airports, etc.

Trump was the worst jobs president in U.S. history, with a total loss of 4 million jobs. President Biden created more jobs in one year, 6.6 million jobs, than any other president in U.S. history.

Trump promised a healthcare plan and never delivered in four years. President Biden reduced healthcare premiums under the Affordable Café Act by $800 per year.

Trump’s total lack of respect for women was rampant before, during and after his presidency. President Biden Reauthorized the Violence Against Women Act through 2027.

I assure my readers that this is the short list.

Ah, Republicans will say, what about inflation and the open borders? Inflation Is worldwide, and inflation is going down. Two high-ranking Border Patrol agents replied to a congressional committee that the U.S. does not have an open border, and any mention of open borders is a slap in the face to our Border Patrol. Also, border crossings in January 2023 went down 97% from December 2022!

Trump lost the popular vote by 3 million in 2016 and 7 million in 2020, and I assure you that will increase by several millions after the U.S. is done with the buffoon Trump in 2024. Gen Z voted overwhelming for Democrats in 2022 and will do so in 2024.

Trump was not sent by God, was not a prophet, was not the chosen one; he was not even a Christian, just a terrible president who conned and continues to con the MAGAs, aka the sheep followers.

Joe Villarreal




I would like to thank Mrs. Hilda Garza DeShazo for her honesty and openness when on Feb. 17 she states seven items that would not have occurred or continue to occur had Donald Trump had a second term. However, by citing no reason for these assumptions and not claiming to have a monumental crystal ball, she leaves one possible explanation to be that he and her radical rich Republican establishment caused them and can turn them on and off at will.

Ned Sheats




Just brief note to commend this publication for continued publication of opposing viewpoints in spite of calls by some to silence/shutdown opinions they disagree with.

Those who are trying to silence opinions they disagree with can learn a valuable lesson from the French philosopher Voltaire, who stated, “I may disagree with what you have to say, but I would fight to the death to defend your right to say it.”

Ben Castillo


LETTERS — Limit letters to 300 words; all letters are subject to editing. Mail: P.O. Box 3267, McAllen, TX78502-3267; Email: [email protected]