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Letters to the Editor

LETTERS: Open-carry law decried

Welcome to the wild west of yesterday! Our friends in Austin, as the professional politicians like to refer to their counterparts, are making it...

LETTERS: Prosecute all rioters

Anybody, regardless of color, ethnicity or political affiliation who converged on the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6 to attack our form of government should...

LETTERS: Don’t spend on migrants

Just a few comments regarding the situation at the U.S./Mexico border. First, where is it written that the U.S. has an obligation to take in...

LETTERS: No labor shortage

The June 13 letter from Tomas Cantu spoke strong words about the fake “labor shortage” that is polluting the news media. The root cause of...

LETTERS: Office closure spurs criticism

In the latest sign that our country went from Trump’s “America First” to Biden’s “America Last” in just a few short months, it is...

LETTERS: Why fear committee?

What are Republicans afraid of in having an independent committee look into the attack on the Capitol on Jan. 6? Are they afraid their...

LETTERS: Don’t blame guns or God

I don’t understand why it is so difficult for liberals to understand that guns aren’t violent. They aren’t any more violent than a knife,...

LETTERS: Infrastructure includes people

Many of President Biden’s future plans are centered on the repair and improvement of America’s infrastructure. For many people that means the brick, mortar,...

LETTERS: Mass shootings and voting laws

Now, let’s see how this works: 231 mass shootings in 146 days of 2021. And yet the Republican Party is pushing hard to make...

LETTERS: Offended by letter

I am shocked that The Herald would print, front and center, the commentary by Letty Martinez-Roerig on June 1! She is bashing about half...