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End asylum bans, not our welcoming tradition

I was 10 years old when my family packed our whole life into our van and left northern California for South Texas. We had enough saved to get us to Texas and the new opportunities it offered, but little else. When we got here, we encountered what I now know is a Texas tradition: new neighbors who welcomed us with a helping hand. If you can believe it, a man let us stay in his unoccupied trailer rent-free until we got back on our feet.

Immigration spurs comment

This is in response to Jake Longoria’s letter posted April 21.

Skin cancer is a bigger problem than many realize

Many people think that skin cancer is not a big deal. But the truth is that some skin cancers are deadly, and it’s important to detect all forms of skin cancer as early as possible and seek treatment. May is Skin Cancer Awareness Month; take a moment to learn more about this often-misunderstood disease and how you can assess and reduce your risk.

Letters: Love vs. law

“All it takes is one kind act a day to change the world,” according to popular culture.

Letters: Immigrants need our help

Immigrants are coming? A humanitarian effort is needed? Well, here is the chance for the USA to shine; start investigating how to help. We have Sister Norma and her group, we have Catholic Relief Services, heck, we have Protestant churches at the ready to help with their Christian response.

Letters: Wannabe autocrats

At the end of his game at the Masters, Tiger Woods walked from the 18th hole back to the club house with a noticeable limp. Even though Tiger didn’t even get close to winning, a multitude of colored but mostly white hands applauded his every step with what seemed to be sincere love and admiration. It was a heartwarming scene to see.

Letters: Endangered milkweed

The unique and beautiful ecosystem of Southern Texas is one that should be preserved, protected and appreciated. While I agree with the importance of “butterfly highways” that Rick Kelley reported on in March 2021, I believe your newspaper should also cover the current status of their food source: milkweed. As I write this letter, the prostrate milkweed is awaiting an enlisted status under the Endangered Species Act.

Guilt, revenge and choices

At 6:52 p.m. on Nov. 1, 1955, United Airlines Flight 629 took off from Stapleton Airfield in Denver, Colo. Eleven minutes later the Douglas DC-6B disintegrated in the air and plunged into a sugar beet field near Longmont, Colo. All 44 people on board died.

Letters: Renewable energy touted

With this year’s “Invest in our Planet” Earth Day theme, it is important to highlight the vital role renewable energy plays in strengthening our economy and creating new jobs.

Future retirees should know that Medicare isn’t free

About 10,000 Americans turn 65 each day. Many may soon leave the workforce and claim the Medicare benefits they believe they’re entitled to after paying Medicare taxes for decades in the workforce.