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Letters: Commentary spurs opinion

On Jan. 1, our newly elected U.S. Rep. Monica De La Cruz tells us about herself and how she’s ready to go to work for the American people. Her family achieved the American Dream and she believes that everyone deserves that opportunity, too. Well, good for us!

Baha’i looks at current events and concerns

Many people make a special effort at this time of year to share love and joy with our family and friends.

Letters: Migrants defended

Mr. Coronado raves about our being the greatest and most powerful country in the world and bemoans our allowing so many immigrants to cross our border (Jan. 2 1). Who do you think made this country great? Maybe the Teslas, the Einsteins and the Chavezes helped. He states that we are the “proudest country in the world.” I assume he knows that pride is one of the seven deadly sins and according to Proverbs 16:18, “Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.” If that doesn’t describe the radical, egocentric, self-righteous, affluenza-infected conservatives of today, I don’t know what does.

Revelation: Not everybody celebrates New Year’s

Facebook shared that Jan. 1 isn’t a day of celebration for Black people. Memories remain of slavery’s auctions, fears of families being separated.

Fund resaca restoration

Texas resacas, found only in Cameron County, are main natural resources in our ecosystem including raw fresh water supply storage from the Rio Grande for our cities and rural water supply corporations, surface drainage for rural farmlands, rural businesses, rural homesteads and colonias, highways and natural habitat for migratory and domestic wildlife. Resacas are mostly abandoned and environmentally neglected and being destroyed by invasive plants like the Brazilian berry bush.

Letters: Immigrants championed

I would like to respond to a letter to the editor in the Jan. 2 edition of The Monitor.

Letters: Please explain punishment

Ms. Coronado, or anyone of like mind, please elaborate with detailed examples how it is that President Biden is “punishing the 76 million Americans who did not vote for him” (Dec. 25 23).

Letters: Society is fake

It’s not just the constant posing for cameras.

Letters: Comments addressed

In his letter to the editor on Dec. 27, Ben Castillo tells us the turnout for the previous election was “shameful” and “disappointing.” Disappointing? Yes, but only for those who expected a big “red wave” and got only a tiny, colorless ripple.

Letters: Speaker saga spurs comment

President Joe Biden: “America is a land of laws, not chaos.”