Letters: Migrants defended

Mr. Coronado raves about our being the greatest and most powerful country in the world and bemoans our allowing so many immigrants to cross our border (Jan. 2 1). Who do you think made this country great? Maybe the Teslas, the Einsteins and the Chavezes helped. He states that we are the “proudest country in the world.” I assume he knows that pride is one of the seven deadly sins and according to Proverbs 16:18, “Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.” If that doesn’t describe the radical, egocentric, self-righteous, affluenza-infected conservatives of today, I don’t know what does.

His remaining comments about how soldiers who have fought and died for this country, and how they deserve more respect than is shown by allowing millions of immigrants to swarm over a country they don’t own, prompts a question: Do you own it, Mr. Coronado? You act as if you think you do. Please, Mr. Coronado, do not equate the efforts of those buried at Arlington National Cemetery with the feeble efforts of 3½ administrations to find a political solution. You demean them and their efforts. It’s not a war!

Finally, Mr. Coronado, I ask you again: How has this swarm negatively affected you and the Mrs.? Not enough food on the table, no shirt on your back, no roof over your head? Family members dragged out of bed and executed? Tell me sir, if you were in the immigrants’ situation, would you not do the same for your family?

Ned Sheats




Nero fiddled while Rome burned. Trump tweeted while law enforcement were attacked and the Capitol ransacked. Seems like an apt comparison for this anniversary of an attempted coup on the government.

Anyone watching that chilly afternoon in January 2021 might easily suspect the president was moved only by glee (since confirmed), with no inclination whatsoever to call a halt to the medieval battle being transmitted around the globe and into every American household. Perhaps only whispered at the time, it now seems a verifiable fact that Donald Trump, wallowing in the obvious “affection” of his insurrectionists, truly wanted mayhem and murder: Nancy Pelosi was high on the mob hit list and Mike Pence “deserved hanging” for not unilaterally refusing to certify the electoral count. The more, the better; it didn’t matter who or how many might die if Trump and his minions could call for martial law and (re)install the man as president by nightfall. That proposition came publicly and early on from Michael Flynn, Trump’s disgraced, convicted but ultimately pardoned national security adviser. Now it has been revealed that others were in agreement.

Right-wing Republicans can barely denounce Vladimir Putin, are threatening to pull Ukrainian aid and invited Viktor Orban, the racist, fascist dictator of Hungary, to speak at CPAC last August.

Even worse, Trump recently had Ye West and Nick Fuentes, both anti-Semites and the latter a Holocaust denier, to dinner at Mar-a-Lago. During the 2016 campaign, Trump exclaimed publicly that he saw no reason why he should be restricted to a four- or even eight-year term. Why shouldn’t it be 12 or 16 or even 20?

Thus are despots and dictators elevated to posts they never intend to relinquish. All hail King Donald I. Don’t forget: After him comes Don Jr., King Donald II.

P.V. Lee
