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Tired of dealing with certain elements of society

I don’t know about you, but my attitude sucks! I’m just plain tired of what I see and hear every day, and I need to rant a little bit about it.

LETTERS: What’s wrong with the USA

I’m 71 years old, survived Vietnam and listen every day to people ask what’s the matter with our country. I have a good friend who’s 89 years old, did three tours in ’Nam and was on the battlefield in the jungle fighting every single time. When I asked him two years ago what’s happening with our country his answer was quick and simple: Too many people look at every Third World country and their problems are no jobs, not enough housing, no law enforcement, no schools and not enough food.

Letters: Reform group draws criticism

The lawsuit abuse propaganda is flying again, twice in one week. The Texans Against Lawsuit Abuse organization, funded by big businesses, intentionally does not tell other sides of the story, and subtlety urges us voters, and particularly jurors, to be cold and cheap with our neighbors — something we wouldn’t want our neighbors to be with us if we bring a lawsuit.

Letters: Valley boards draw criticism

I am not a Texan, but the Rio Grande Valley is my home and the place I will die. As such I owe and give it allegiance, pride and thanks for how easy it makes my retirement. However, most recently it deserves my anger and embarrassment.

Letters: Protest tax bill

Please, county residents, open your eyes to what is being done to our home taxes. The appraisal district has risen home prices an average of 35% or higher. This will only raise our taxes significantly.

Letters: Healthy heads

Being ignorant basically means being uninformed. Educated people, and even those we consider scholars, can be ignorant. Albert Einstein admitted he was ignorant about certain things when he said, “The more I learn the more I realize how much I don’t know.” And Socrates likewise said, “All I know is that I know nothing.”

Letters: Emotions and sense

Emotion and common sense. We react and decide on emotion, but is that wise?

Letters: Vote against Republicans

“This jury was a joke” — Marco Rubio.

Letters: Republicans draw attack

There is certainly more than enough hate in this country to go around. Another certainty is that it is accomplishing nothing, but you have to ask history, is it justifiable? Who is accountable for what we have become?

COMMENTARY: It’s wrong to force Texans to pay for local lobbying

In 2023, school choice went mainstream. So far, Iowa, South Carolina, Utah, Arkansas, Florida, Indiana, Oklahoma and Nebraska have enacted substantial measures to empower parents and students through educational freedom.