LETTER: Taking a child’s life

The editorial in the March 8 edition of the VMS titled “Deadly decisions” is concerned with ending federal executions of convicted felons. The article claims in part that “The death penalty, however, is irreversible. Moreover, those exonerations comprise about 10% of all capital convictions; when the result is the taking of a human life, a 10% error rate is unacceptable.”

If the above is a concern, then why are we not concerned with the taking of a child’s life in the womb? They too are human, and I guarantee you they are 100% innocent. Those that do not agree that terminating the life of a child in the womb is the “taking of a human life” all survived the womb experience and are not being intellectually honest.

Try this from now on. Any time you see the word abortion anywhere replace it with “terminating the life of a child in the womb”. Notice I did not use that word in the paragraph above. See how the argument in favor of the practice becomes unfavorable to say the least?

Albert Gonzalez, womb survivor