Sea Turtle Inc. monitoring for possible sea turtle cold stunning event

As frigid temperatures are impacting the Rio Grande Valley, staff at Sea Turtle Inc. are monitoring the weather for a possible sea turtle stunning event.

“We are closely monitoring the weather forecast for Friday and Saturday for a possible sea turtle cold stunning event. Sudden drops in air and water temperature can cause sea turtles to hypothermic shock. We call this condition “cold-stunning,” Sea Turtle Inc. wrote on its Facebook page.

Officials said when water temperatures drop below about 50 degrees, sea turtles become lethargic and are unable to swim.

Sea Turtle Inc. is advising the public to call its 24/7 emergency sea turtle-stranding number at (956) 243-4361 if they see a sea turtle floating or washed ashore on South Padre Island or Boca Chica Beach.

A major sea turtle cold stunning event occurred if February 2021 during the winter freeze which left thousands of Atlantic green sea turtles and Kemp’s ridley sea turtles suffering from cold stun.