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Letters to the Editor

LETTERS: Abortion ban not supported

I believe concerned citizens must speak out whenever government is used to impose an ideology on the people, especially those who are most vulnerable....

LETTERS: Rescue bill pork-filled

I sent this letter to some of our U.S. representatives: Subject: $2.2 trillion ... rescue bill passed the week of March 23, 2020 —...

LETTERS: Colorful history

The moon glows upon the Rio Grande Valley, gifting us her female energy and her blessing. Her reflection is a beautiful still life on...

LETTERS: Is this what you wanted?

More and more reports are coming in that show the Chinese government (communists) suppressed free speech and shut off the internet to their citizens....

EDITORIAL: Reload: Failure of SpaceX prototype part of development process

The failure of SpaceX Starship SN1 prototype on Friday was a setback for a project that already behind schedule, but we don’t join the...

Watching Rio Grande LNG

As a native and current resident of the valley, I’ve been closely following the Rio Grande LNG project with great interest.The proposed multi-billion dollar...

District’s ‘No’ votes a disservice to students, taxpayers

The Point Isabel School Board did a great disservice to the district’s students, teachers, families and all taxpayers, when they rejected consideration of Chapter...