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Destructive agenda seen

Buying energy from a communist dictator like Vladimir Putin, and looking to Nicolas Maduro, another communist dictator, for fuel sources, begs to ask, why? This, after shutting down our own abundant natural energy resources (Keystone Pipeline)? That demonstrates disdain and animosity against our own citizens and their economic survival.

Mother Earth is crying out to us for help

On World Earth Day, which we celebrate annually on April 22, “Mother Earth” is crying out for help to all of her “children,” all inhabitants of the planet, to urgently care for her and repair the damage that is being done to the earth, which Pope Francis calls “our common home — Our mother is crying out to us because of the harm we have inflicted on her by our irresponsible use and abuse of the goods with which God has endowed her.” The earth can indeed be called a “mother,’ as she provides for what we need to live.

Letters: Lawmakers criticized

After reading The Monitor’s staff article on Filemon Vela’s premature departure from congress, it mentioned the congressman’s lackluster list of accomplishments. Ten years in congress and his two major bills according to Govtrac, he initiated two major bills:

Letters: Schools don’t ban prayer

Replying to Jose C. Coronado’s letter published April 3, the claim that “believers are not allowed to go to school and pray during class time” is not correct. Students have the right to call on their favorite deity at any time and location.

Letters: Lawmakers criticized

After reading The Monitor’s staff article on Filemon Vela’s premature departure from congress, it mentioned the congressman’s lackluster list of accomplishments. Ten years in congress and his two major bills according to Govtrac, he initiated two major bills:

Remembering Texas vets

On March 29, 1973, the last remaining members of the U.S. Armed Forces withdrew from Vietnam and returned home. To commemorate this day, in 2009, I passed legislation to designate March 29 as Texas Vietnam Veterans Day. Eight years ago on this day, we dedicated the TexasCapitolVietnamVeteransMonument to welcome home our Texas Vietnam veterans. This beautiful monument on the northeast grounds of the Capitol honors the loyalty and the courage of those Texans who served in Vietnam.

Letters: Alcohol Facts Week

Each year the National Institute on Drug Abuse sponsors and dedicates a week to observe National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week. This year March 21-27 gave the public a chance to collaborate with scientists and doctors from around the nation to help tear down social stigmas and the myths that surround substance abuse and mental health.

Letters: More parks requested

Recently WalletHub released its study that the McAllen-Edinburg-Mission metro area ranked first on a list of the “fattest” cities in America due to various factors: body type, diet, highest rates of poverty and somewhat limited exercise facilities.

What I learned from organizer César Chávez

One of the highlights of my long legal career was the honor of serving as César Chavez’ lawyer for 18 years and for the United Farm Workers, AFL-CIO here in Texas during its organizing campaigns. I also had the opportunity of marching with César on twin 60-mile marches in South Texas, from Brownsville and Rio GrandeCity that met in San Juan, to raise farm labor wages.

Letters: Know about colon cancer

Kudos to Mrs. Lorena Saenz Gonzalez’s commentary on being proactive and informed about colon cancer (March 23). It is an insidiously devastating disease that is ignored and sometimes difficult to suspect, until it is too late to address. It robs many people of their health and lives.