LETTERS: Adopt a 2020 Harlingen high school senior

The 2020 senior graduating class of Harlingen is one of the strongest I have ever seen.

Most were born in the dark and often frightening year following the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. They were fifth-graders when tragedy struck an elementary school and again when they were sophomores. The country has been at war externally since the members of this senior class were born.

This current pandemic has brought more doubts and fear to these seniors. The cancellation of senior activities including commencement was disappointing to many of them.

Their struggles are real.

We as a community need to come together and show our support.

This is one reason we in the “Adopt 2020 High School Seniors” page feel the importance of establishing a connection to one another, even a small connection to say congratulations and that we are very proud of you. You are our shining lights. We are proud of who you are.

Your achievements have been outstanding. With the leadership you have already shown, we know we will have a stronger tomorrow.

You have paid your dues, you have fought hard, and yes, you got this. Congratulations!

Ruth Lara, Corpus Christi