Time for a new Congressman

I have spoken to hundreds of people about the 34th Congressional District. Nobody has yet to disagree that it is time to replace the current Congressman with Dr. Rey Gonzalez who is a devout Christian, is pro-life, and understands the needs of our District which include focusing on the economy and border security.

The economy is Rey Gonzalez’s top priority. Texas’ 34th District encompasses all or part of 11 counties running from Cameron and Hidalgo Counties on the U.S.-Mexico border up to Gonzales County, more than 250 miles to the north, crossing rural agriculturally important regions that produce $2.6 billion annually for the local economy. This diverse district includes wildlife, tourism, trade, energy production, and military facilities.

We need someone who acts on constituents’ concerns, not the concerns of party leaders. Rey Gonzalez is very adamant about supporting our ICE and Border Patrol agents who protect us at the border. We have entirely too many immigrants coming over illegally.

Some of these illegals use a different strategy. First, they drop their children off at the bridge and have them cross illegally; we call them “unaccompanied minors.”

Then they pretend like we are holding these very same children hostage. They sent them! And that’s with border security in place. The idea of not having security at the international border crossings is absurd.

The current Congressman voted in support of abolishing Border Patrol and ICE, leaving the bridge unmanned with the exception of tax collectors who collect taxes from tourists who bring liquor from Mexico. What nonsense. It’s time for better representation.

Fred Rendon Jr., Harlingen