Money not trickling down here

Trickle down economics or “Reaganomics” is responsible for an increase of income inequality.

Between 1979 and 2005 the bottom fifth had their incomes rise 6 percent compared to the 80 percent increase for the top fifth.

The top 1 percent saw their income nearly triple.

So it doesn’t “trickle down,” it trickles up.

As for the gasoline tax, the tax would negatively affect middle-class and low income households.

It would force these households to tighten their belts and discourage spending.

Remember what it was like when gas was three to four dollars a gallon? No one wanted to spend money.

A more realistic tax would depend on Marijuana being legalized. An idea that often startles many conservatives.

However, tell that to Colorado who has made $69 million in tax revenue. It may be a radical idea but it could be exactly what this country needs.

Emilia Capuchino Harlingen