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Commentary offered this week addressed expected beneficiaries of elections, a papal declaration for a season of renewal and offensive campaign rhetoric. Other contributions debated the recent assassination attempt, the change in Democratic Party candidate and our water crisis, among other topics.

As always, we welcome your thoughts on current issues, and thank those who have shared theirs.

Souls sold

Donald Trump believes God was on his side when he was shot at. Others concur that it was the hand of God that protected him. When Trump instigated a mob of Neanderthals to storm and ravage the Capitol, hang Mike Pence and forcefully stay in power, does he believe God was on his side when he committed this crime? Or was it the devil?

How come God sided with the convicted felon who never goes to church and not with Corey Comperatore, who was there supporting him and who went to church every Sunday with his wife and children? Why was God not on their side? Hoo-boy, as they say, God works in mysterious ways.

Panel one: “I have a perfect relationship with God…” Panel two: “The perfect-est! He loves me… this I know!” Panel three: “He helps me reel in the suckers… …asks for nothing…” Panel four: “He’s like a contractor I can stiff for eternity! So sue me!!”

Allow me to share Eric Luft’s letter to the Republican Party. It is so true:

“Dear Republican Party: You Sold Your Soul.

“You used to stand for patriotism, but you sold your soul to a traitor who conspired with an enemy to destroy our democracy. You used to stand for our armed forces, but you sold your soul to a draft dodger who mocked their courage and sacrifice. You used to stand for hard-working Americans, but you sold your soul to a con man who made his fortune by cheating them. You used to stand for the American Dream, but you sold your soul to a racist who traded the Statue of Liberty for walls and cages. You used to stand for family values, but you sold your soul to a predator who betrayed all three of his wives. And you used to stand for Jesus, but you sold your soul to a wolf in sheep’s clothing who makes a mockery of Christianity. Whatever he paid you for your soul, I hope it was worth it. But knowing him, you’re probably still waiting for your check.” Amen and Hoo-boy!

Italo J. Zarate


Biden, Harris draw support

President Joe Biden again proved that, unlike his past opponent, he is for America and not his ego, just his friends, or just the radical fringe.

Thank you Joe! Your thoughtful decision gives all of us a better chance of continued good government in America. It also gives us Independents, Democrats and progressives the chance to focus on and continue the progress made under Joe’s guidance, and the benefits of governance by Democrats rather than the hateful, divisive, violently radical party the Republicans have become.

Democratic presidential candidate former Vice President Joe Biden and his running mate Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., pass each other as Harris moves to the podium to speak during a campaign event in Wilmington, Del., Aug. 12, 2020. She’s already broken barriers, and now Vice President Harris could soon become the first Black woman to head a major party’s presidential ticket after President Joe Biden’s ended his reelection bid. The 59-year-old Harris was endorsed by Biden on Sunday, July 21, after he stepped aside amid widespread concerns about the viability of his candidacy. (Carolyn Kaster/AP File Photo)

Welcome to the fray, Vice President Kamala Harris. You will continue the future of America unaffected by excess wealth, a criminal conviction, radical ideals or the lack of ethics and morality clearly demonstrated by the radical Republicans, MAGA and their past president. You are a lawyer and therefore know the difference between lawful acts and those of your opponent. Good Luck! Trump will fight dirty. Please stay above his muck.

Ned Sheats


Democrats questioned

Bernie Sanders, a 2016 and 2020 Democratic Party presidential candidate: “In Vermont, everyone knows I’m a Socialist.” Shouldn’t come as a surprise that Sanders and his bride honeymooned in the former Soviet Union. He also visited Cuba and Nicaragua and had high praise for Communist leaders Fidel Castro and Daniel Ortega.

Though it seems unbelievable, Sen. Kamala Harris’ voting record was even more liberal than Comrade Bernie’s. During her years as Biden’s “border czar,” millions of illegal immigrants, including murderers, rapists and thieves and Lord only knows how many tons of illegal drugs, made their way across the southern border. Harris is a great presidential candidate for leftists in the Valley and America.

The Democratic Party’s 2016 presidential candidate Hillary Clinton had no response when asked five times to explain the difference between a socialist and a Democrat. Synonyms for socialist include communist, , Marxist, Bolshevik, etc.

From, June 20, 2016: Why does the Communist Party USA support Democratic Party candidates for the presidency instead of running their own candidates? “The presidential election is not just about candidates. It is about choosing what direction the country will go in. So we work with allies in the union movement, in immigrant rights and civil rights and environment and organizations of women, LGBTQ, youth, and retirees with the goal of stopping extremists like Trump ….”

A question specifically for Democrats Colin Allred, Vicente Gonzalez, Morgan LaMantia, Michelle Vallejo, Henry Cuellar and liberal writers on this forum: What are the differences between the Democratic Party and the CPUSA?

A second question for Gonzalez: Would you explain to the people you represent why you had a six-figure account with the Chinese Communist Party-affiliated Bank of China? Expecting Gonzalez to respond to that question would be like expecting snow in the Valley in August.

Natividad Rodriguez


America’s crossroads

America is at a crossroads. We are about to decide whether we continue as a democracy or live under a dictatorship.

The Heritage Society is working with Donald Trump on Project 2025, a 900-page document outlining how he can transform our republic into an autocracy.

The plan is for Trump to take partisan control of the Department of Justice, the FBI, the Department of Commerce, the Federal Communications Commission and the Federal Trade Commission, and to replace all the civil servants with people whose only qualification is loyalty to him.

Project 2025 explains how Trump can deploy the military for domestic law enforcement by invoking the Insurrection Act of 1807. It offers a blueprint on how he can jail his political opponents, take over local law enforcement and end the separation of church and state.

“…idiot! Why can’t you perceive this”

In an Orwellian twist, they even want to purge terms like “reproductive rights” from all laws and federal regulations.

What can we expect if Trump gets re-elected? A nationwide ban on abortion and contraception. A repeal of civil liberties and workers’ protections. Cuts to Social Security and Medicare. Canceling health care for 45 million Americans. A dictatorship on Day 1. If Trump gets back in office, he’s not leaving.

How can we prevent this? By voting Democratic up and down the ballot.

We can argue about policy differences later. Right now, the choice is between freedom and despotism.

Many before us have fought and died for our liberty. All we have to do is vote.

Philip Riffe


Deficient commander

We need a good commander in chief who is on 24/7. One who can make spilt decisions immediately and good decisions. We have the Chinese on the Pacific side (Alaska) and the Russians on the Atlantic side (Cuba).

This administration has done nothing to prevent this action. North Korea is a problem too.

I will not say who, I will vote for, that is my privilege of keeping it to myself. I will not say a bad word about either party for most if not all are liars. The politicians will promise you what you want to hear.

We need to close the borders, lower food and gas prices. Who will do this? Who knows?

Vote and vote your conscience, but vote. Remember, we all make mistakes. Can you throw the first stone?

I served my country for 24½ years and I will tell you that the USA is in trouble. We need a strong commander in chief.

Jose Garcia


Biden bashed

It started to “smell” back in January when the Democratic National Convention started to block out any candidates wishing to participate in the presidential primaries. “Learn the origin, synonyms, examples and history of the word democracy, which refers to a form of government in which people choose leaders by voting.”

According to Mr. Webster, primaries are a big part of a democracy! So we have the DNC deciding that the people have no right to choose from a pool of worthy candidates and decide to block any attempt to challenge the incumbent and kill any opportunity to host debates during the primaries!

Suddenly a first in the history of presidential debates, a debate was scheduled in June! Debates always start in September, but not this year! Now the smell is really getting bad and the master plan starts to reveal itself! No primary challengers, no debates between challengers and the incumbent, a presidential debate in June and the soiled diaper gets completely pulled off! “Beware the Ides of March”! Certain death for the chances for Biden’s re-election and the puppet masters cut the strings!

“Uh…” “Yiha! Yihya! Yiya!” “Groan…”

The jig is up! The world gets to see what conservative news agencies have been reporting for years! Forget about the 14 million votes Joe Biden received from the voters, now, according to the rules that have been changed and manipulated by the powers that be, a few thousand delegates are going to deny the voters their choice and will now complete the well-orchestrated plan to remove Biden at the last moment!

Folks, the world has been lied to for years and the Democrat political machine has lied to the American people with the help of the left-wing media! They knew he was in decline and lied to us daily!

Elections have consequences and the 2020 election of Joe Biden has opened many eyes! What happened to the party of compassion? All that is left is for Biden to write a book after he leaves and title it “Obama’s Third Term”! That would answer a lot of questions!

Ernest Gorena


Water waste

Regarding the July 24 front-page article about the water crisis by Berenice Garcia, our ongoing drought has caused our farmers and residents of the Valley to face restrictions on the use of water. But how about the wasted water because people don’t fix that leaky faucet or toilet that runs constantly? Why don’t businesses and residents alike quit watering their yards until our reservoirs fill up again?

Climate change: The class divide… “How tedious. The gardeners are begging for water again.”

Any time I have been in a restaurant and have used the restroom and noticed a running toilet or leaky faucet I have personally brought it to the manager’s attention. We must all do our part to save water.

Suzanne Oviedo


Concerns about SPI

What is now happening to South Padre Island’s surrounding habitat? Is the very habitat essential to migratory birds being destroyed for the short-term economic goals of our local and state politicians?

According to the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, unless authorized by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, it is “unlawful at any time, by means or in any manner to” “kill” or “take” “any migratory bird, nest” or “egg of any such bird” and encompasses activities that “foreseeably” result in the unauthorized killing of migratory birds as well as the destruction of their nests and eggs.

Let’s consider the events now unfolding.

A game camera showing three Wilson plover eggs in nest cup with rocket engines firing in the background on June 6, 2024. (Courtesy: Coastal Bend Bays & Estuaries Program)

A report issued by the Coastal Bend Bays & Estuaries Program immediately following the fourth test launch of a SpaceX rocket documents extensive damage to active migratory bird nests at Boca Chica; all shorebird nests monitored following the rocket launch on June 6 were either missing eggs, had damaged eggs, or both.

This past April, the South Padre Island City Council surprised many residents with an architectural plan to increase the footprint of their convention center. However, local birders warn the current plans would wipe out old growth habitat critical to migratory birds who have long flocked to the convention center following a two-day flight over the Gulf of Mexico from the Yucatan.

Map of South Padre Island’s planned expansion of its convention center. (Courtesy Image)

Critical habitat is being destroyed at both ends of the island. This vital habitat plays an essential role in supporting migratory birds as well as an important ecotourism economic draw to our RGV area.

Why is our local environment, once valued for ecotourism with parks, beaches and wildlife refuges being sacrificed for short-term profit and entertainment? When will the long-term destructive effects of industrialization, both aerospace and leisure, be calculated and acknowledged?

Diane Teter


Shooting addressed

Some say Donald Trump pumping his fist after he was grazed let the audience know he was OK. Others saw the gesture, the extreme facial anger and the repeating of what appeared to be the word “fight” three times as not just encouraging support for his candidacy but exploiting the moment to build resentment and perhaps even retaliatory violence. His son Eric wrote, “This is the fighter America needs.”

One politician offered, “First they tried to keep him off the ballot, then they tried to jail him, and now this.” Blame for the event was already being deflected away from the unidentified dead shooter onto the political opposition, the black-hearted demon Democrats of the left. Another politician said, “Joe Biden sent the orders.”

His audience got the angry message. One of the attendees said, “Trump is immortal, I will fight for him to the end.” This was clearly an opportunity to elevate Trump from human to super-human. Commentator Martha MacCallum offered, “There are not too many humans that are made that way. Support for him will exponentially increase.” Sean Hannity said, “He’s been through more than most people can take.”

Former Republican leader Newt Gingrich took the failed assassination attempt as an indicator of God’s partisan view of the election. He said, “It was providential” that Trump turned his head at the right moment. Perhaps it was just very lucky.

Kimball Shinkoskey

Wood Cross, Utah

Stopping Trump

A 20-year-old youngster lost his life attempting to assassinate Donald Trump. If security had done a better job, if his dad had not bought the AR-15, if he had ignored Donald’s antics, the incident would probably not have happened. But “if” is a big word in the dictionary. It happened.

If the young man wanted to stop Trump’s effort to do away with our Constitution and our democracy, it was not necessary to sacrifice his life. With our cherished democracy, millions of Americans stopped Trump once and they will do it again come November. Although Trump and his cohorts want to do away with democracy, the American people will not let that happen. So, do your part, vote Democrat! Make democracy great again!

If Trump loses again, who knows what he’ll do? He’s already told us he wants to be a dictator on day one. And as we saw on Jan. 6, he’s not shy about using violence to gain power. This time the chants will be, “Hang Joe Biden!” Hang Kamala Harris!” “Hang Nancy Pelosi!” “Burn the Constitution!” “Destroy Democracy!” Hoo-boy.

As Liz Cheney said, “The Republican Party has lost its principles and frankly they seem to be led by morons.” Amen!

Italo J. Zarate


Editor’s note: We welcome your letters and commentary. Submissions must include the writer’s full name, address and daytime telephone number for verification. Letters of 200 words or fewer will be given preference. Submissions may be edited for length, grammar and clarity. Letters may be mailed to P.O Box 3267, McAllen, Texas 78502-3267, or emailed to [email protected].