LETTERS: Better targets to investigate

Ms. Imelda Coronado says Congress should investigate the source of COVID-19 instead of the bloody insurrection — a failed coup to stop the counting of electoral votes (Letters, July 15). This is the famous false equivalency Republicans are so fond of creating.

Trump and his administration are solely responsible for the “losses” and “endless suffering” of Americans and others globally who contracted COVID-19. That’s old news, but far reaching. The Wuhan labs (not military, but science labs) and China’s open-air markets have been investigated to the extent possible in a communist-controlled country. That is also old news but at this point, why does it matter?

It happened — but it is still fodder for the party that is still content to bring up (wait for it …) Benghazi!

If Ms. Coronado is looking for a “repressive regime,” try Russia, China, Turkey and a dozen other countries, and don’t forget the danger to our own democracy by the far right bound to keep Americans from voting and choosing our leaders. Investigate that. Your vote, Ms. Coronado is in jeopardy as is mine, today, right now.

One of the most recited lines by English poet John Donne is, “…

send not to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.” Investigate that, too. Donne spoke as one living in an English village. When a person living in the village died, someone tolled the church bell.

Some households would send a boy or girl to ask, in effect, who died.

In his Meditation XVII Donne, who was also a cleric, said that “No man is an island,” which goes much further than the current idiom, “we are all in this together.”

True. But Donne also said, “Any man’s death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind.” Therefore, the same idea carries over to human rights and laws made by men and women. If any one person’s or group’s vote is taken away that affects us all.

Our vote could be taken away by the same or similar means. It has happened before. Investigate that.

Shirley Rickett, McAllen