LETTERS: Republicans draw attack

It’s not hard to see why the GOP in Congress wish the country to default on its debts. They simply want President Biden to fail and they may have a chance at winning back the White House in 2024.

Are they looking for the good of the American people? No. I say they’re good at doing that ever since they went against President Obama for any sensible piece of American legislation. The Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare, for example. Donald trump tried to discard it 16 times! Nancy Pelosi defeated Trump 16 times.

But, President Biden saved the country. The last holdout of Kevin McCarthy was “food stamps.” The negotiations favored Mr. Biden. The GOP went after the poorest in America. What a strategy. I believe that for that particular strategy 2024 is in Biden’s pocket. America won again as in 2020.

And for those writers who defend Gov. Abbott’s frequent political shows to the RGV, is it more fiscally prudent to pay for the Texas attorney general’s legal fees or Abbott’s wasting of fuel, which of course is paid by us taxpayers? Both are extravagant and wrong. Mr. Paxton broke the laws of Texas many times, it’s his burden to pay for his defense.

This state must be turned blue, starting by defeating another liar and Trump follower, Ted Cruz. Texan and American voters are tired of Trump and his endorsers’ constant trampling of American democracy.

Stop the Putin lovers. Voters must be vigilant or we may lose our democracy. Russia and China are licking their chops waiting to see America fail.

At this time in our history it’s not likely those two beasts will see their wishes prevail if we all stay united and oust the MAGAs out of the political scene.

It’s only my opinion. God bless the USA.

Oscar Garza


Pay wanted

for officials

The city of Edinburg previously lowered its tax rate for fiscal year 2022-2023, and some residents applauded; however, I was skeptical as I’ve lived here for more than 25 years and have enjoyed its amenities of parks, library and downtown area, so I started doing research, attending city meetings and reminiscing about past mayors and city councilmen.

To begin, I am amazed by the dedication and time involved in doing city service as the current as well as past councils have done. The city is remarkable, but how many of us recall when a progressive, capable female candidate has run? Then I wondered what these elected offices pay.

The answer in Edinburg and other local cities: a paltry fee. So, how does this equate to who is attracted to run for mayor/councilmen? Do we see predominantly males of financial means who do not have primary care of their children, but their wives do? Are these men also in business such as building construction, economic and land development?

If you have been wondering why our cities are going down the path you would prefer otherwise, then do we find that the deck is stacked against women who have children, or women whose career might not be as financially stable as those previously mentioned?

Is compensation for city public service a direct consequence of who runs for office, whom we elect, and especially the direction our city goes? Is it time to pay the cities’ mayor/council a wage partly equivalent to their value and responsibility — and especially an equitable representation of our residents?

Diane Teter


LETTERS — Limit letters to 300 words; all letters are subject to editing. Mail: P.O. Box 3267, McAllen, TX78502-3267; Email: [email protected]