Letters: Summer surprise

Just when we thought we would get a break from winter and ease into spring, we were given a shocking surprise to find that we have skipped spring and entered summer weather instead, with 100-degree weather that now appears to be a pattern.

A low water level at Falcon Dam and car wash businesses popping up faster than rabbits can produce are going to put us on the spot this summer with water rationing. Our grass is yellow due to no rain, and water we cannot afford to waste is placing a burden on the public.

Can a car wash business recycle the water it uses instead of dumping it in the drain? Is it even possible to recycle the water? That will add to the expense to wash a vehicle, I am sure about that. I don’t know if that is even possible today, but maybe for the future to conserve water.

The present high-pressure dome over Texas will keep water from coming into Texas. The dome will repel any moisture coming in our direction. This high-pressure dome will even repel strong storms and hurricanes.

How long will this dry spell last? A four-month dry spell will hurt the Rio Grande Valley tremendously.

Let’s hope that does not happen. If it does, we need to work together to conserve water, and be mindful of water use. Follow city water days, fix leaks from your faucet valves, check your water heater for water leaks, replace broken sprinklers and buy a gallon of water every time you go to the store for an emergency. Keep at least 5 gallons in your home for an emergency.

Rafael Madrigal


Democrats draw attack

The party of compassion — what a farce! I would say that 95% of the contributors to this forum are retired, have no mortgage and no longer have a car payment!

How about our children and grandchildren? Where is your compassion, Democrat lovers? How can you vote for a party that believes in creating a massive class that will only survive with taxpayer-paid entitlements to justify their existence?

Why would we not want our descendants to live the American Dream of owning a home, saving their hard-earned income and enjoying a happy retirement like the rest of us?

We are witnessing the destruction of our legal system! Compassionate Democrat district attorneys are releasing thieves, rapists and murderers with a mere slap on the hand.

According to Democrats, if you’re white you’re racist! If you’re a Democrat, you should be happy that a male feeling like a female can undress in front of your daughter or granddaughter and compete against her in sports! If you’re a Democrat, you should be delighted with the economy and what you are feeling in your wallet is just a figment of your imagination!

Is this the Democratic Party you want to support? It is beyond me how I ever voted for a Democrat in past elections! If I had seen the direction this party was headed, I would have never voted for a Democrat! How does that saying go — fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me, or something like that?

Ernest Gorena


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