Letters: Turbines attacked

This letter is directed to Norma Rodriguez, operations administrator of EDP Renewables in Edinburg, with regard to her letter, “Renewable contributions,” published March 16.

Let’s clear the air with a few questions that you can surely answer:

1. How many dollars of “help” do you receive from the government and any other source to fund your operation at any stage of construction or operations? What is that number as a percentage of your construction and operating costs?

2. What is the lifespan of the two major elements of each fan — the generator and the fan blades?

3. Who is responsible for disposing of the equipment and/or replacing it at the end of its useful life?

4. How does one dispose of the components? What is the recycling process?

5. Who is responsible for restoring the land to its original condition, and who pays for the work?

6. Are turbulence studies taken at each installation to determine what the effect will be on the various bird populations?

7. How do you explain the destruction of the agrarian views that many city folks like to enjoy?

8. Are your sources for the equipment in the U.S. or are you funding the growth of the Chinese Communist Party?

Please answer these questions to complete your defense of the bloody windmills.

Duane Rasmussen

Laguna Vista

Our future:


Autocracy means one ruler to rule all in the dictionary but, it seems that it can be transformed to a group working together for the same cause, to control everyone. I can see this happening in our Congress today, refusing to act based on their agenda based on political greed instead what is best for the nation, no matter what the cost may be.

Increased violence in society and failing to act to control it for fear of losing votes that keeps them in power in their lifetime with unlimited time in office, by practically dying on the job is their only way out. This is a form of mob justice at the highest level of government and they are untouchable.

They cannot be brought to justice because they have the power of the purse. They have the control to defund any government agency they choose to end. And that’s a lot of power for a group to have and abuse.

We are safe as long as reasonable people are in control; when not, it becomes a problem.

Rafael Madrigal


Can’t stay out

of the hatred

I try to stay out of this political hatred, but it’s impossible. It’s everywhere!

The worst years have been these past 7 years. I’ve lost what I thought were friends because of it. When the family gets together we avoid talking about politics because it destroys us. Racism has exploded; our present era reminds me of living in Houston during the ’60s. We are reverting to our past history instead of looking to a bright future.

We place the blame on the COVID-19 pandemic. The reality is that we have created an epidemic ourselves. Racism, sexism, abortions, immigration, liberalism, the justice system being soft, mass shootings, gun control, the forgiveness of student loans, equal justice in politics and citizens, etc., I could go on and on.

Let us clean our house before it turns uninhabitable.

Ruben Garcia


LETTERS — Limit letters to 300 words; all letters are subject to editing. Mail: P.O. Box 3267, McAllen, TX78502-3267; Email: [email protected]