Letters: Rallying the stupid

Jay Leno, the late-show comedian, said it a lot. All thieves are stupid. And he would read from the newspapers at the time. We see it all the time nowadays too where thieves do the stupidest things.

Mr. Thomas Butler’s commentary of March 6, “We have more to fear from stupid than evil people,” hit it spot-on. He refers to Fox News and the effect its lies have among Donald Trump lovers and the big lies.

The fringe right and lie believers follow through with the threats thrown out by the evil Republicans simply to gain votes and tons of money, i.e., Trump, Ron DeSantis, Greg Abbott, Marjorie Taylor Greene and many others. The stupid people, these politicians know, will do the dirty work for them, as in the treasonous Jan. 6, 2021, riot in Washington, D.C. It’s easy to see because the stupid people are in jail and the Trumpists are planning their 2024 election from their billionaire buddies’ billion-dollar mansions.

Texas’ Abbott takes a photo in front of the border wall to nowhere frequently to garner tons of dollars and convince his “stupids” to keep him in office. Sad thing. But worse, they don’t care. Both their egos are satisfied and the boat keeps on rolling, as the song goes.

Since I saw the 2015 debates among Republicans, I have seen Trump as evil and a fraud and a liar. One of his opponents said it scores of times on national television. Fell on deaf ears. Those attributes proved be true.

Ted Cruz and many others continue to capitalize on the lies to this day. So many Republicans still eat it. What can anyone wonder but continue to mobilize voters to get those evil politicians who continue to press the evil message out of Washington?

Remember who’s doing the most for middle America: Joe Biden. The wannabe dictators on the right must be voted out so they can move to Venezuela to try to govern over there. Good luck from here.

Oscar Garza


Don’t defend


Just a few comments/observations in response to Al Garcia, who uses religion and/or biblical references to push for open borders.

First, Mr. Garcia, like other illegal immigrant activists/apologists, turns a blind eye, or ignores, the cost incurred by American taxpayers for massive/unrestricted immigration. He is in essence asking or expecting taxpayers to be more generous with those who have entered and will continue to enter the country illegally. I am curious to know how many immigrants he has personally assisted or taken into his home. Mr. Garcia shouldn’t vilify those who call for restrictions on illegal immigration.

Mr. Garcia, moreover, conveniently ignores the negative impact/consequences associated with open borders such as human and drug trafficking and other criminal activity in his apparent desire to appear compassionate toward anyone who has the desire to enter this country, legally or illegally.

Mr. Garcia’s use of religion to push an agenda/policy that benefits one group at the expense and/or negative consequence of another is in my opinion deceitful and moreover an act of malfeasance under the guise of compassion.

Ben Castillo


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