Letters: Who rules

To the Supreme Court of the United States: Please be reminded that the Constitution begins, “We the People,” not “We the Republican Party.”

Ned Sheats




After enjoying three wonderful nights at the Beau-Rivage Casino Resort in Biloxi, Miss., my wife and I waited in line to board the bus that would take us to the airport so we could fly back home. As we waited the man behind was happily singing “Yippidy do da, yippidy yay.” And when my wife and I turned to look at him he said, “Those darn ‘maquinitas,’ they sure whupped by butt this time.”

“For someone who lost playing the slot machines, you seem pretty happy,” I quipped.

“I pretend to be happy to keep from crying,” he replied.

While sitting next to him on the bus I asked, “Where you from?”

“McAllen,” he said and then kept on going. “I lived in California for 16 years but left because it was becoming too ‘liberal.’ Too many homeless people, you know, and lots of crime and nothing done about it. You know, if one does the crime, they should do the time, right?”

I replied, “Well, I sure hope Trump does his time for the crimes he committed against America.”

“Hey, wait, what? I’m a Trumper. I’m a Trumper!”

I laughed out loud, thinking he was joking, but he wasn’t. As we moved forward to exit the bus, I could hear him yapping that Joe Biden was a corrupt politician, that he, Nancy Pelosi and Kamala Harris should all be locked up. If he said anything else after that, we have no idea. We were no longer listening.

The irony of the episode is this: “Liberal-hating conservatives” are just like anybody else who likes to play the “maquinitas.” They hope to find slot machines that are “liberal,” as in “loose,” because these machines are the ones that pay well and make people very happy. Nobody in their right mind wants to play slot machines that are too “conservative,” or “too stingy.” These machines just make us want to cry, “Yippidy-do-da, yippidy-yay.”

Italo J. Zarate




Your meager attempt to downplay the political contributions by FTX (Editor’s note, Jose Coronado’s letter, Dec. 6) was tantamount to quashing the whole truth!

What you did say was correct: Republicans (Lisa Murkowski, Susan Collins, John Hoeven, Richard Burr and others and an Alabama PAC) did receive $23 million from FTX. This money was given so these liberal candidates could defeat their conservative primary challengers and increase their chances of getting reelected.

What you didn’t say and more eye opening was the $40 million donated to Democrats with Biden receiving $10 million for his presidential run in 2020! Suffice to say, FTX investors are out $63 million and change!

Are these Republicans in name only and Democrats going to return this illegally donated money? Are the investors who got duped going to get this money back? There is a federal law that prohibits political campaigns from keeping questionable funds! Are they going to return this money?

There you go; following up on this lead should make for some good reading in our paper!

Ernest Gorena
