Letters: Abbott blasted

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott is at it again, making more bad decisions and becoming an unpaid supporter of cartels. He has buses pick up immigrants at Border Patrol stations who have been authorized to be in our country but need to go before an immigration judge.

These immigrants are only told they will be transported to a northern destination. They are sent with little or no food, water, money or medical attention. They have been sent to New York City, Chicago, Washington, D.C. outside the vice president’s house, and Martha’s Vineyard. And often far away from where they may have relatives and where they need to report to argue their cases to remain in the U.S.

Immigrants normally don’t have free rides provided. Relatives, friends or the immigrants themselves have provided their own transportation.

The outcome? Cartels can now get those immigrants to Texas and tell them that free transportation is being provided by our governor. And with big smiles on their faces they thank our governor for his help.

The “invasion,” as Abbott describes it, now has more reasons to significantly increase in size. Any cartel member living in Texas will jump hoops to vote for Abbott.

Meanwhile, this is a part of a $4 billion fiasco to control the Texas border. Has anyone noticed a decrease in illegals coming to Texas?

I guess our governor either secretly supports the cartels, doesn’t care if he squanders Texas taxpayers’ money, or just had no idea of what a really bad decision he has made. I really believe he should be charged with transporting immigrants across state lines.

This is only one of his bad decisions. Remember ERCOT (246 Texans dead from the cold); Uvalde (19 students and two teachers slaughtered (practically no gun regulations in Texas); illegals arrested for trespassing and held in jail with no charges and no lawyers provided; stopping and searching Mexican produce trucks, causing millions in lost produce; DPS troopers paid thousands of dollars in overtime and housing; a law paying $10,000 to report any woman having an abortion and medical care to save her life, taking away her privacy to get medical attention; never giving Texas retired teachers a cost-of-living raise (one 3% raise in more than 19 years); refusing to expand Medicaid for the poorest families; anti-voting; anti-LGBTQ rights; book censorship in our schools and basically anti-teachers.

In short, our governor has made bad decisions costing Texas $4 billion, just to protect the border. I have only seen illegals increasingly coming to Texas under Greg Abbott’s tenure.

All voters need to be keenly aware of his horrible decision making when voting. Vote for what is best for Texas.

Alan L. Neeley




MAGA Republicans have lost all sense of integrity. In this election cycle they are fielding an array of unqualified, wacko conspiracy theorists and election deniers. Across the country Republicans have nominated many candidates who no longer believe in the democratic election process of the U.S. What they believe is that if they don’t win, the election doesn’t count. It doesn’t get any more anti democratic than that.

The very serious problem we are going through in the U.S. is that one of the two major political parties is 100% supporting these un-American candidates. In other words, these MAGA Republicans are resorting to fascist tactics.

I’m guessing many rank-and-file Republican voters are not aware that the party leadership is no longer honoring the election process of our democracy.

Republicans are using the economy and the border problems against Biden and the Democrat candidates. The fact is that inflation is worldwide and the U.S. is doing better that all other nations. The border problem did not began with the Biden administration; it has been a problem for decades.

Republicans blame Democrats but they never propose any resolutions. They use it to stoke fear and hate among their constituents. When Republicans were in control they never addressed the problem other than ripping babies from parents at the border.

This might seem just like more divisive political rhetoric about our democracy being in danger, but it is very real.

If election deniers get elected, that means the election process that has made our country the ideal for the whole world is no longer valid. MAGA Republicans will not honor election results if they lose. Elections results will no longer be the will of the people if election results are no longer respected. MAGA Republicans following trump’s rhetoric about voter fraud are taking action. They have stationed themselves outside voter drop boxes, some of them armed and wearing military tactic equipment, to intimidate voters.

This is indeed dangerous for our democratic process of free and fair elections.

Beto Conde

Rancho Viejo