Letters: Lock him up

Donald Trump wanted so much for Hillary Clinton to go to jail that he wanted the Russians to intervene. Now that he’s being investigated for fraud, pushing the big lie though losing to Joe Biden, I’d say lock him up!

He claimed Clinton lost thousands of emails. Now that the Jan. 6 committee discovered he illegally moved many boxes of top-secret information to his new home in Florida after losing the election to president Biden, he might go to jail. The list goes on and on, including instructing his cronies to defy the subpoenas to testify, for which any common citizen in this country would immediately be hauled to face a judge.

Trump never intended to lead this country to be better, but to enrich his family and the swamp around him. But, we should be so thankful he took his swamp with him because now President Joe Biden began the healing of America.

The remaining haters who follow Mr. Trump will eventually fade away and democracy will be respected again around the world. It’s already started, when Mr. Putin showed respect to President Joe.

The attorneys general investigated Trump on his taxes, property valuations exaggerated to obtain larger loans and much more.

With all the things going against Trump for mishandling of most everything including prompting election officials to grant him the electoral votes to steal the election for him, including demanding the insurrection on our nation’s capital, the walls are closing in on him. The walls of prison are awaiting him and he truly may be going there. As Leon Jaworsky, special prosecutor investigating Nixon, instilled in his sons, “No one, absolutely no one, is above the law.” That’s what America is about; Nazism will never be allowed. God bless America.

Oscar Garza


A new


Those who represent the major institutions of society have crossed over.

In their public pronouncements about our form of government, they speak of everything else under the sun but the most important single article and law in the American Constitution, the one establishing the sheriff in America. The sheriff for 245 years has been the legislative branch, but today that fact is routinely left out of the discussion.

Our leaders are either not as smart as we think, or not as good as we think. When the sheriff is no longer the people’s representatives, the new sheriff becomes whoever wants it most. And whoever wants it most always turns out to be big money. Big money has the most to gain, the most to lose, and the most ways to advance their interests.

Big money fears and hates the people, who once had the power in our democracy. But we should remember it was ordinary people who made the nation great, not billionaires.

Kimball Shinkoskey

Woods Cross, Utah

Joe Biden

is no bully

In response to Kimball Shinkoskey’s letter about President Biden being a bully (March 10), I must have missed the new definition of bully; I always thought the bully was the one who tried to take something that wasn’t theirs.

The war in Ukraine was started when Russia decided that Ukraine was part of Russia and they were going to take it away from the Ukrainian people. At no time has President Biden tried to get Ukraine into NATO; his stance has been it should be up to NATO and the Ukrainian people, not up to Russia.

When Russia started the invasion the U.S. and other countries took action to help the Ukrainian people fight the invaders with weapons and moral support. At no time has President Biden advocated the involvement of U.S. forces.

He has done everything he can to punish Putin for his actions. I personally agree with most things he has done.

The bully is Putin, trying to impose his will on another country. Comparing the tactic to the presidential election in 2020 would imply that the war was somehow a conspiracy by President Biden to gain a political advantage. That is taking conspiracy theory to a whole new level. Someone explain to me how President Biden convinced Putin to invade Ukraine so the Democrats could win.

Final thought: Putin deciding that Ukraine is part of Russia is the same as Mexico deciding that Texas and New Mexico are part of Mexico and invading to take them back. At one time they were part of Mexico, so they still should be.

Roger Hyer


Biden made

rich greedy

There are those who blame inflation solely on the greed of the rich. It is entirely possible that greed may have something to do with it, and it is possible that the rich may be partially to blame. My question is, how is it that the rich only became greedy since Biden took office?

José C. Coronado
