An increase in immigrants released in Brownsville and more people in need of emergency shelter as a cold snap approaches created a shortage of supplies at the Ozanam Center.

The center is asking the public for donations.

Ozanam Center began noticing a shift in the number of immigrants, mostly single men, released from federal custody at the start of January, and since then the population they’ve sheltered continues to stress their resources.

As temperatures began dropping Thursday, the population of local homeless residents in need of shelter also picked up. Although the center normally requires a negative COVID-19 test, they are currently sheltering anyone in need of emergency shelter. Those without a test are isolated.

Donations have dwindled.

Ozanam Center shelter manager, Myrna M. Garza, said they need emergency contributions.

They are asking the public for men’s clothing, specifically jackets, shoes, long-sleeved shirts, and blankets.

Those released from federal custody are often lacking shoelaces, which have become scarce in the stores near the shelter. Garza asked the public for donated shoelaces, as well.  

Items can be dropped off at 656 N. Minnesota Ave. in Brownsville.