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LETTERS: Pharr officials draw comment, Money misused

Here we go again with the city of Pharr hiring of five city managers in five years!

LETTERS: Comments critiqued, Biden has advantage, Biden blasted

Thank you, Louise Butler, for sharing with us that wonderful, educational and eloquently written column concerning free speech having its limits (Aug. 18). And thank you for printing it. Another gem that merits framing.

LETTERS: Women in danger, Razor wire supported

Mr. C.T. Calderon extols his personal viewpoint of “nearly 10,000 more babies born in Texas after six-week abortion ban” (Letters, Aug. 7). However, let’s consider the very real consequences to those directly affected — girls, women and their families.

LETTERS: Working off school loans, Seeking power, Lincoln freed some slaves

Interesting column by Louise Butler about serfdom and its opposite (Aug. 4). When I went to college a long time ago and could not afford the tuition; I took out a federal Loan. When I graduated as an RN I had the option of working in an area that really needed me and by doing so each year 10% of my loan would be paid off up to 50%.

COMMENTARY: Legislation eliminating tax on health products takes effect

On Sept. 1, Texas implemented Senate Bill 379 by Sen. Joan Huffman and Rep. Donna Howard, signaling a victory for the health and well-being of Texas women and families. This legislation, which I proudly co-authored, exempts the sales and use tax for essential everyday items, including menstrual products, wound care dressings, adult and child diapers, maternity clothing, baby wipes, baby bottles and breast milk pumping products.

LETTERS: Spot on, but wrong, Biden bashed

Louise Butler’s commentary in the Aug. 18 edition was spot on except for one glaring omission. The Democrats and their political allies in the press have been lying about Donald Trump’s actions for years.

COMMENTARY: Texas is investing in better mobility, safety

The star on the Texas flag somehow seems to shine a little brighter every year as more and more people move to Texas to find a thriving economy and a better quality of life. While that growth is wonderful to see, it does bring challenges to our transportation system.

LETTERS: Media bashed, Ineligible for office

What has happened to the news media? I remember, not long ago, we watched Walter Cronkite on CBS or Peter Jennings on NBC for the national news and then our local news. We could also read the news daily in our local paper.

LETTERS: Trump followers garner comment, Trump didn’t deploy drones

President Bill Clinton lied about an adulterous affair and Republicans impeached him. Democrats agreed that Clinton’s behavior was despicable, but it did not merit impeachment.

COMMENTARY: Your reading habits helped us decide to reduce print editions

Your copies of The Monitor, Valley Morning Star and The Brownsville Herald today are noticeably larger. They contain multiple sections you'd normally see in Sunday's edition because, beginning today there will be no more Sunday editions. That means our sports and feature sections, our classifieds and comics and puzzles, are all found inside what will now be a weekend edition delivered on Saturdays. That also means that for the first time in our generation, there will be no Sunday newspaper on your doorstep, in racks, or at the nearby store.