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LETTERS: On new Hidalgo County courthouse and 2nd Amendment rights

New courthouse costsIn my opinion, it is laughable that Hidalgo County Judge Ramon Garcia feels that a county that has an average personal income...

LETTERS: On cyclist death in RGV, LNG, and Trump meeting with North Korean leader

‘Senseless’ cyclist deaths in RGVRegarding Sandra Sanchez’ Friday column, “Senseless and sad RGV cyclist deaths,” I call on The Monitor to demonstrate greater curiosity...

LETTERS: On Russian collusion and Second Amendment

Russian collusionI believe that President Donald Trump is guilty of being in bed with the Russians and it is based on his lack of...

LETTERS: On Cruz/O’Rourke squabbling and Trump

‘Petty squabbling’U.S. Sen. Rafael “Ted” Cruz, R-Texas, just released the first of what is sure to be many attack ads aimed at U.S. Rep....

LETTERS: On gun control and RGV Olympian

Gun control debatedPerhaps if the framers of the Constitution would have known about the carnage done by citizens toward other citizens using high-powered rifles...

LETTERS: On animal cruelty

End animal crueltyIt seems hard to believe that in this so-called civilized age, a most vicious and cruel spectacle of blood continues to flourish...

LETTERS: On Mueller probe, gun control and Larry Nassar

Mueller probe supportI’m responding to Jake Longoria’s recent letter repeating the conservative argument that the Mueller investigation is like “a never-ending story.” They hang...

LETTERS: On Mercedes City Commission, gun rights and Trump’s military parade

Evaluate this for yourselfRecently, Mercedes City Commissioners voted 3-2 to hire a new marketing facilitator. This job will require this new employee to contact...

LETTERS: On complying with federal immigration laws and Mueller probe

Comply with federal immigration lawsThis past year, the Trump Administration has been discussing whether to arrest some state and local officials who are violating...

LETTERS: Defending Jews, ‘courageous youth’ and Trump

‘Repugnant letter’A cruel and repugnant letter from Clint Williams on Thursday implied that the Holocaust could not have happened if the Jews had been...