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EDITORIAL: Recent accidents show need to seek safety around trains

This is Rail Safety Week, an annual effort to focus on the need to work toward making train-related accidents as rare as possible.

EDITORIAL: Militarization of U.S. border too problematic to continue

Another border operation, another questionable shooting, another example of why our continued use of military personnel is wrong for border operations — especially when those operations are only intended to win political points with voters who are afraid people who don’t look like they do.

EDITORIAL: Valley history might provide guidance on handling Trump

Donald Trump isn’t the first politician who refused to accept defeat, and he isn’t the first to face criminal conviction. He is, of course, the first president in this position — Richard Nixon resigned and was pardoned before formal charges were ever brought against him for his involvement in covering up a burglary of Democratic Party headquarters and other acts against political rivals.

EDITORIAL: Federal officials shouldn’t let Abbott bully them over border

Finally, somebody has the guts to stand up to Greg Abbott.

EDITORIAL: Mandated guns on campuses could raise, not reduce risks

Students are returning to class with changes that while intended to reduce the possibility of on-campus shootings, actually has increased concerns among many Texans.

EDITORIAL: Effort to help refugee process should inspire reform efforts

One of the major failings of President Joe Biden’s efforts to cull down the number of asylum cases is its primary mandate, that refugees must initiate their petitions within their home countries or another country through which they travel to get to the United States.

EDITORIAL: Too many Valley residents driving under the influence

Forget fentanyl and foreigners; the greatest threat to public health in the Rio Grande Valley is cars and cocktails.

EDITORIAL: Veterans’ retirement shouldn’t erase their disability benefits

Few people would argue that we owe a huge debt of gratitude to the brave men and women who are willing to — and often do — place their health and very lives in harm’s way in order to protect our nation, its people and interests through military service. They deserve — and need — our help in dealing with any injuries and disabilities they might have suffered as a result of that service.

EDITORIAL: Politicization of education can affect students’ future

There was a time when people trusted the schools to which they sent their children. They assumed the institutions’ focus was on education — and nothing more.

EDITORIAL: Best school choice chances might lie in charter system

Gov. Greg Abbott is committed to public funding for private schools, especially those that include religious instruction. State legislators offered bills to that effect during the recent session, but Abbott said they didn’t go far enough.