Letters: Traffic signals often ignored

I’m originally from Michigan and our police there take ignoring traffic signals and signs very seriously, so much so that we don’t purposely disobey them.

Here, I’ve watched two and sometimes as many as three cars speed up to get through intersections after the light has turned red, plus people rolling past stop signs as if they weren’t even there!

It makes me wonder if these signals and signs in Brownsville are just suggestions. I, for one, would never consider proceeding in traffic at an intersection here, even with a green light, without looking both ways.

Connie Glynn


Voters thanked

Thank you to all who voted for me. I will do my best to bring positive changes to the Cameron County Appraisal District. The property tax system has gone out of bounds in recent years. Changes are needed here and in Austin, as the Texas comptroller rules need to be changed by the legislature.

I will represent all taxpayers in Cameron County. I hope to make the process taxpayer-friendly rather than hostile, going forward.

I am grateful for living here. God willing, I can be part of making our county a bit more friendly place to live.

Bill Hudson


Mother’s Day: The emptiness

For many, Mother’s Day is a day of sharing, caring and embracing the selflessness, attentiveness, devotion and constancy of love that has no equal — of emotion that empowers and emboldens, and of affection that reflects a bond that forever links two hearts, two souls, two lives.

Unlike those lucky enough to be living and sharing the moment with their mothers on Mother’s Day, many of us have only memories of the warmth, depth and strength of a mother’s love. For us, Mother’s Day epitomizes the emptiness of loss.

For me and too many others, Mother’s Day is filled with memories and regrets. Memories of moments shared. Recollections of sounds, sensations, gestures, aromas, and of course, the countless embraces that defined and explained who she was — my mother — caring, selfless, attentive, devoted, and always there in my times of triumph and success as well as times of failure and disappointment. Always with the love that had no equal — with emotions that empowered and emboldened me, and with pure affection that radiated and deflected the harsh and sometimes cruel realities that surrounded me and sometimes almost made me give in to the worst of my human and childish inclinations.

Mother’s Day brings back fading and diminishing images of a face, a heart and a soul that once were part of every day of my life. Two hearts, two souls, two lives — sharing one dream, a dream that continues to this day: the dream to share and to care, and to embrace the best within us, that may embolden and empower those who surround us and complete us. It is the essence of love and of acceptance.

Mother’s Day for me is a recognition and appreciation of my mother’s gift to me: Life, filled with love, that gave me the strength, the wisdom and the courage to keep the dream alive — even in the emptiness of loss.

My regret on Mother’s Day — my arrogance growing up, believing that my mom would live forever, not in memories or in dreams, but always and forever. And in my heart and soul she does — but it’s not the same as it used to be. How could it ever be?

Al Garcia

San Juan

LETTERS — We welcome your letters and commentary. Submissions must include the writer’s full name, address and daytime telephone number for verification. Letters of 200 words or fewer will be given preference. Submissions may be edited for length, grammar and clarity. Letters may be mailed to P.O Box 3267, McAllen, Texas78502-3267, or emailed to [email protected].