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Editorial: Recent shark attacks should be a reminder: Be cautious in the gulf

Recent shark attacks off the coast of South Padre Island, just weeks after a teenage swimmer drowned in the same waters, are an alarming reminder that a refreshing dip in the Gulf of Mexico always carries risks.

Editorial: UTRGV President Guy Bailey has steered institution through a decade of rapid development

We join the many people who are celebrating Guy Bailey’s 10 years as president of the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley. It’s a decade marked by rapid successes and growth — and recognition by education analysts and experts.

Editorial: Artificial intelligence is just another step in the long line of progress and...

Many people have expressed fears about the development of artificial intelligence. It is, however, just the latest in a long history of progress and innovation. As with previous advancements, AI will change the lives of many people. And if history is any indication, most of those changes will be for the better.

Editorial: Trump’s felony conviction could test the true progress of South Texas Republicans

Rio Grande Valley Republicans have boasted growing strength in recent years. It’s a significant achievement in an area that has long been known as a Democratic Party stronghold, even called a one-party region. A big question hangs over the local conservative party, however: can it sustain its current success?

Editorial: This Independence Day, let us take time to recall why we built this...

We hope this Independence Day brings all Americans together to celebrate our nation’s foundation — at a time when this country seems torn asunder by many of the same issues that led our founders to break from the British crown and declare our autonomy.

Editorial: Carlos Cascos was a voice of reason and moderation amid Valley’s volatile politics

News of Carlos Cascos' sudden passing was a jolt to many people throughout the Rio Grande Valley. Officials across the region were quick to voice their shock, and their condolences. Their statements also reflected the widespread respect he earned through decades of involvement in local and state politics, representing both major parties.

Editorial: New international bridge should help facilitate trade, ease congestion elsewhere

News that Cameron County has received a State Department permit to build a new international bridge is welcome. The Flor de Mayo International Bridge will run from Flor de Mayo Avenue in Matamoros to West Alton Gloor Boulevard in northwest Brownsville, which is a heavy growth area. It also will help relieve congestion at other ports of entry, where wait times often exceed an hour.

Editorial: Texas Republicans take more steps to do away with state’s tradition of free,...

The Texas Republican Convention in May passed a resolution requiring people to register as party members before they can vote in future party primaries. Democrats, on the other hand, chose not to follow suit.

Editorial: Keeping families together, regardless of their status, should always be a priority

Two weeks after establishing perhaps the most restrictive refugee policies in our nation's history, President Joe Biden has about-faced and announced more compassionate, and reasonable policies regarding undocumented immigrants.

Editorial: Limiting Farm Bill benefits doesn’t account for changes in enrollment or the economy

The 5-year farm bill that governs billions of dollars worth of programs ranging from crop subsidies to school lunches and food programs is running on borrowed time. The last bill expired in 2023 and its provisions have been extended while partisan bickering holds up new legislation in Congress.