Letters: Governed by idiots

This thing about Republicans and Democrats calling each other idiots is not a novel thing. It’s as old as politics. Unfortunately, if these people are right, I guess we can safely say we’re a nation of idiots? But of course, we’re not!

But how to explain the unusual number of idiots who are now occupying positions of power in our government? Who put them there?

Most Democrats agree with former Republican strategist Steve Schmidt, who eloquently said, “Every single GOP member of Congress who will not confront Trump’s rantings, delusions and non-stop lies in a public manner and demand it to stop, is simply unfit and unworthy of service under the dome of the Capitol of the United States. They disgrace themselves and our nation.” Amen!

Unfortunately, most GOP members of Congress disagree with the truthfulness of the above statement. They instead seem to think that having “unfit” and “unworthy” legislators in Congress benefits them. For one, they side with the angry mob that savagely stormed the Capitol, stupidly trying to overturn the election and keeping Trump in power. Yeah, the same Trump who denigrates democracy and praises dictators like Vladimir Putin.

Cheating by suppressing the vote of minorities and unfairly gerrymandering their districts is how these undesirables win. And with tons of “dark money” backing them up, putting more of them into office will surely help the GOP cause; which seems to be to once and for all get rid of this old derelict called “democracy!” Hoo-boy.

Good grief! Something is very wrong with the above picture! It’s downright ugly! But you can bet your old army brown boots that the GOP is not going to fix it. Instead, they promote it!

That’s why the idiot writing this letter is voting Democrat. I do not want “unfit” and “unworthy” politicians denigrating our beautiful America. I do not want undesirables getting near our Capitol, much less serving under it. I do not want our successful centuries-old democracy diminished and our Constitution crumpled. I do not want a divided and a weakened America. I do not want foreign dictators and dark money dictating who our leaders are.

As Sen. Senator Adam Schiff always says, “In America, right matters, truth matters, and decency matters.” And those Republican senators in Congress, Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger, Susan Collins, Liza Murkowsky and Mitt Romney, who demonstrated commendable courage and character by speaking out against the outrageousness of their GOP colleagues, they too, matter, a lot.

So, what say you?

Italo J. Zarate



report leak

There must not be any excuses for the insurrectionists or any colluders who leaked Supreme Court draft report. The American people have the right to demand an equal independent investigation, as the Jan. 6 select committee has been actively pursuing.

Whoever is responsible committed an extremely egregious attack on our country’s constitutional bedrock of justice. Any form of dismissive cover-ups from any source, venue or enablers should be made part of this grievous insurrection attack on our democracy.

There should be no left- or right-wing exemptions for traitors of any kind.

Imelda Coronado
