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Comments this week addressed a need for greater civility, greater responsibility and greater storm insurance coverage in the Rio Grande Valley and other coastal areas. Other writers voiced their thoughts on the upcoming election, doubts about Donald Trump’s responsibility for the Capitol riot and doubts about his recent shooting injury.

As always, we welcome your thoughts on these and other topics, and thank those who have shared theirs.

Predictions for country

Most Americans are woefully unaware of the history of the world. They don’t really know much about American history and are not willing to learn.

A couple thousand years ago the Israelites decided they wanted a king. The good Lord presented some caveats. These were ignored; the Israelites selected Saul, and the results were depressing, until David.

“Joe Biden is turning our country into a banana republic, so I’m voting for that guy.” “I am your retribution!”

Germany following World War I went into rebuilding mode. Times were tough. There was a person who promised them the Third Reich. It was to be a super country. That person, who wrote Mein Kamp while in prison, got out and became leader of the German Workers Party. We know it as the National Socialist or Nazi Party. He used his devotees, the Brown Shirts, to take over Germany. He was now an autocrat and could do anything he wanted the government to do.

Enter the United States. I shall play Nostradamus. Donald Trump will be elected president of the United States. The Republican Party will become our very own Nazi Party. Trump already has the Supreme Court in his pocket. Trump will enjoy the same freedom do govern that Vladimir Putin enjoys in Russia. I suspect he will “push Ukraine under the bus,” and ally our country with Russia. Each seems to desire expansion.

To solve the immigration problem, he may try to annex Mexico. Solves the problem. Some people wanted to annex Canada early in our history. Did not work out well.

President Trump will reduce the middle class by burdening them with taxes needed because of the favoritism given to the new oligopolists. Social Security will be farmed out to his favorite oligopolists, and China will rule Asia.

Enjoy it! This will be the last free election.

Ken Cantine


Advancing communism

Adding some context to another one of Kimball Shinkoskey’s comments, “Republicans have become slaves to their party bosses” (June 26): “Woodrow Wilson’s crackdown on free speech.”

Wilson’s suppression of free speech during World War I was mainly directed at anti-war activists, possibly because “War is a Racket,” a boon for the economy, good for the unemployment rate and a bonanza for America’s defense industry.

Wilson was a racist Democrat and an internationalist, an early 19th century word for a free-trade globalist. The communist policies of progressives and Democrats like Wilson in the early 20th century would be the beginning of America morphing into a communist nation.

But you can’t have a communist nation without, among other things, a heavy progressive or graduated income tax on the masses, and a central bank to manipulate interest rates and to control the money supply.

So beginning in February 1913 and likely into eternity, the 16th Amendment gave Congress the authority to extort income taxes from almost every American who works for a living. The Federal Reserve system was also created in 1913.

The Fed rapidly increasing interest rates led directly to the 1920-1921 depression and before the decade was over, the1929 Stock Market Crash. That was followed by the Fed’s tight monetary policies causing the Great Depression. And of course, catastrophic economic events like the Great Depression and the more recent COVID pandemic create pathways to implement or further expand communism.

The Great Depression was a golden opportunity for Franklin Roosevelt to rescue millions of unemployed and destitute Americans with his communistic New Deal programs. The COVID pandemic was another golden opportunity for the elites of America and the world to implement their inflationary Great (economic) Reset.

As Vladimir Lenin said, “The goal of Socialism is Communism.”

Natividad Rodriguez


Where are candidates?

Where do they go when they fly home to Texas? I am talking about the Congress people, which includes the Senate and House of Representatives from Washington, D.C.

The Democrats were complaining that they might lose the election if President Joe Biden continued to be the presidential nominee. Don’t they know that all the seats they are holding are local and that we elect them or send them packing?

I have given to both parties over the past 50 years and still do when I think they have good common sense and moral principles. But I haven’t seen a candidate for the jobs in Washington since 1996 in person. I hear about them holding fundraisers, rallies and meeting with the local officials from time to time, but not before the meetings. Are they afraid of the people in their state and districts to come out and press the flesh? Where has the idea of visiting with your constituents gotten to? Why have we allowed these professional politicians to get on X, TikTok and Facebook and do their thing? There are too many false statements being forced on us through the fake media to gag a maggot.

My opinion is, come and see me or drop out of the race. This means everyone.

Bill Williams


Prove Trump behind Jan. 6

All of you haters out there: Give us proof that Donald Trump was behind the Jan. 6 riots! I don’t want to read more unproven accusations but real litigated proof that he was responsible for Jan. 6 or litigated proof that he told the governor of Georgia to “fabricate” thousands of votes! Until then, zip it!

Ernest Gorena


Mental disorder

In his letter to the editor on July 13, Mr. Jim Taylor tells us that when he was earning his MS degree, he learned that the teaching of psychology includes that when a person believes himself to be what he obviously is not or cannot be, that person has a mental disorder.

“Young, sane leaders… Young, sane leaders…”

Our thanks to Mr. Taylor for pointing this out. It confirms what Mary Trump, Donald Trump’s niece, and many other Americans suspected about the Donald: that he has a mental disorder. Because never in the history of our republic has a president had reason to believe that he would be immune from criminal prosecution or that he was above the law. And that Trump’s denial of reality is also included in the broader disorder of “dysrationalia,” which, according to Jim, is the inability to think and behave rationally despite having adequate intelligence.

So, now we know. Thanks again sir, for confirming our suspicions.

Italo J. Zarate


No protests for Ukraine

The Ukraine War is in its third year, and Russia continues its attacks. Hopefully, the aid by the U.S. and European countries will help Ukraine fight off the Russian invasion and prevent Russia from overrunning Europe. The U.S. finally allowed Ukraine to hit targets in Russian territory utilizing U.S. arms.

Russia has unleashed devastating attacks on Ukrainian infrastructure, including power plants, water distribution systems, warehouses, businesses and housing. Approximately 12,000 Ukrainian civilians have been killed and more than 20,000 injured. Thousands of Ukrainian children have been kidnapped and sent to Russia.

Why aren’t people protesting against the killing and wounding of Ukrainian civilians? Aren’t the Christians of Ukraine just as important as the Muslims of Gaza? Or is there a bias involved? Isn’t it important for the U.S. to support Ukraine and prevent a much wider war in Europe? Do the protesters care about the U.S., or do the protesters just want to create chaos and promote anarchy? Are they an anti-democracy Fifth Column? Maybe protesters should go to the Ukraine and Gaza war zones to make a meaningful impact.

We must continue to support Ukraine with military aid and donations by citizens. I have contributed to a number of Ukrainian relief organizations.

Donald Moskowitz

Londonderry, N.H.

Doubts about Trump shooting

What if the man who shot Trump was not a bad shot? What if he was an expert shot, a marksman, and accomplished exactly what was intended? Think about it! Sympathy is a strong motivator State voter records show that Thomas Crooks was a registered Republican. The plot thickens.

Ned Sheats


Trump can protect self

Donald Trump expects to get 100% protection after he leaves office. It does not work that way. He himself told NATO: If you don’t pay your share, you get zero protection if your nation is attacked.

Trump can afford to pay a private company to protect him. He gets limited protection from the Secret Service after he leaves office, very limited. I compare it to a school crossing guard — very minimal.

“Keystone cops”

To hear that a 12-year-old man attempted to take Trump’s life during a rally, what comes to mind is John Wilkes Booth, who killed Abraham Lincoln; a low-class actor with no future in acting. I cannot recall the name of the Ronald Reagen shooter who wanted to impress Jody Foster, a female actress. A female follower of cult leader Charles Manson, who wanted to create a race riot in America, attempted to assassinate President Gerald Ford, and now another 20-year-old kid in diapers tries to assassinate President Trump to make a name for himself and move his status from a loser to a hero.

We need to stop feeding violence to our society if we’re ever going to stop this violent trend in America.

Rafael Madrigal


The price of pleasure

Boomer America long ago abandoned the republic. As evidence, far too many people today play bingo and eat barbeque while their communities circle down the toilet.

Many run off to national parks or retirement communities while their grandkids are being eaten alive by social media.

Others ignore the Constitution and their ancestors and pay fealty to a madman despot politician.

Still others watch daytime soaps and nighttime game shows, worshipping celebrities like they were homecoming kings and queens, soaking in misleading advertising and forgetting everything they ever learned in high school and college.

Yet others satisfy their need for afterlife security by going to church and basking in the love of pastors or priests while the neighbor walks past the chapel door flailing about in the arms of cartel chieftains and usurious bankers.

Every pleasure has a price, and boomers are not paying it.

Kimball Shinkoskey

Woods Cross, Utah

Letter attacked

In her July 1 letter with allegations about a leftist, autocratic, globalist dictator presidency, Imelda Coronado’s comments are 100% projection. She even throws in a dog whistle for the racists who hate Barack Obama. Her hero Donald Trump has promised he would be a dictator on Day One.

She criticizes Joe Biden for refusing to leave “addictive power,” while she supports Trump, who had his supporters violently attack our country’s Capitol to stay in power. Again proof of the projection Republicans repeat over and over where they have convinced the gullible.

She talks about cruelty against humanity by Democrats without mentioning any reason. Cruelty to humanity for example is when Trump tore children away from their parents for political purposes.


Ms. Coronado rants about “gagging-censoring media” while without doubt she is a devoted follower of the Fox right-wing propaganda channel. Fox has had to pay millions for spreading lies. Fox has done a great job of spreading lies and misinformation for a couple of decades, creating today’s division in America.

Yes, the free world is watching and they are horrified that we are even considering electing Trump. Vladimir Putin would love to invade a number of countries to reinstate the Soviet Union, our greatest enemy. Trump has already said he would let Putin do whatever the hell he wants.

In unbelievable projection, it is laughable that Ms. Coronado supports a well-documented pathological liar while fantasizing about Trump and his cult speaking the truth.

Finally, while injecting God in her comments, Ms. Coronado and the Trump cult support a narcissistic egomaniac who was convicted of sexual assault. What more proof of the hypocrisy and the projection do we need to keep this dictator wannabe out of the presidency?

Vote to sustain our democracy; vote for Democrats at every level.

Beto Conde

Rancho Viejo

Trump backed

Donald Trump, the human piñata, swings from side to side. Eager stick holders line up for a swing. “They know not what they do,” a great Book once said.

While the media put every single stumble of Republicans under intense magnification, they serve as a scrutiny umbrella for the Democrats.

Fraudulently-informed, low information, useful idiot water carriers, the “Goebbelists” are fighting hard to obfuscate discernable reality. Like Trump’s job numbers lie.

“Have the ladies and gentlemen of the jury come to a decision on this crook?” “Your Honor, the trial hasn’t started yet.”

Late in his term, a 1½-year COVID lockdown happened, so hordes of people were forced from work. Early in Joe Biden’s term, lockdowns lifted and people returned to work en masse. They want to blame Trump’s policies on the COVID job decreases, yet give Biden credit for the inevitable post-lockdown job numbers stabilizing. Can you believe how dishonest that is? That, and the other debunked hit-piece headlines spun from leftist echo chambers that stretch the realms of plausibility.

So they line up, rocks in hand, to “throw the first stone,” but do you vote for a persona or proven policies? This piñata president took endless sniper fire from media, biased federal judges and Congress, who constantly handcuffed his political objectives (border wall, etc.). These are bad actors acting in bad faith, fiercely driven to bastardized and bankrupt our nation’s cultural heritage and sovereignty. So to the useful idiots, is it worth throwing the baby out with the bathwater for 30 pieces of silver? Is victory against Trump worth it if it necessities destroying the country? “Protecting democracy” is constantly repeated, but how specifically does Trump leadership “destroy democracy” and how come it survived unharmed during his first term?

Jamey Honaker


Is killing rival an official act?

If the latest conspiracist theorists (including many in the Republican hierarchy) are proven right, that the Biden “crime family” is implicated in the recent assassination attempt on Donald Trump, can Ol’ Joe claim “presidential immunity” for an “official act” to rid the country of a man deemed by many to be unfit for the office of the presidency and an existential threat to our democracy, as justified by the Supreme Court’s latest ruling that the president himself can determine any act “official”?

“…and to faithfully execute my political enemies”

You know, the Seal Team Six scenario brought up in court arguments? How ’bout Dem apples? Sauce for the goose — or is that law meant only for a Republican administration? Just askin’.

P.V. Lee


Editor’s note: We welcome your letters and commentary. Submissions must include the writer’s full name, address and daytime telephone number for verification. Letters of 200 words or fewer will be given preference. Submissions may be edited for length, grammar and clarity. Letters may be mailed to P.O Box 3267, McAllen, Texas 78502-3267, or emailed to [email protected].