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Contributors this week commented on Donald Trump’s respect for the military, political parties’ respect for the people and the law. Others offered their thoughts on the devil and Armageddon, misrepresented and misunderstood information and the value of immigrants.

As always, we invite our readers to share their opinions on our open forum, and thank those who have done so.

Jury service is essential

In this election year we’ll hear much about the importance of voting, but there are additional responsibilities that strengthen our democracy and protect our rights as citizens. It’s also critically important to answer the call for jury service.

Every citizen can contribute to fairness and balance in the civil justice system by serving on a jury when called. A robust jury system is essential to protecting our rights as Americans and ensuring all defendants are treated fairly in the courtroom.

Yet, in recent years, many people in Texas and around the country have avoided jury service. National research and previous studies have estimated that fewer than half of those called to serve in some areas of our state and nationally ignore their summons.

Such statistics are abysmal and don’t bode well for our civil or criminal courts. Why aren’t people answering the call?

The Pew Research Center found that only half of those ages 18 to 29 say jury service is part of being a good citizen, compared to 70 percent or higher in older age groups.

It’s difficult for defendants to receive a trial by a jury of their peers when their peers don’t show up. Courts depend upon citizens to serve as jurors, and all citizens should be encouraged to respond when summoned for jury service. ear

We all know time is money.

And over the past decade, more counties have been doing their part to make jury service as painless as possible, offering online scheduling that saves both jurors and courts time and money.

More recently, a new law approaching its one-year anniversary increased juror pay from $6 to $20 for the first day of service and $40 to $58 per day for those impaneled to serve for a trial. Thanks to state lawmakers who passed HB 3474 in the last legislative session, Texas now ranks among the states with the highest pay for jury service.

Serving on a jury is fundamental to our democracy, and jurors who respond when called will receive a pay increase for the first time in nearly 20 years. Texas has removed one more obstacle or excuse not to serve when summoned by increasing juror pay.

The U.S. and Texas constitutions guarantee the right to a trial by jury. A trial by a jury of your peers is a fundamental safeguard of each American’s civil liberties and an important component of civic engagement.

Remember, it’s important not only to vote but also to serve on a jury. When summoned, answer the call.

Mike Hachtman

Chair, Texans Against Lawsuit Abuse


Offending Republicans

Some Republicans claim Democrats call them Nazis and that offends them. Sometimes people say things that others don’t like. They might be asking for trouble, but in America it’s not against the law — yet. That could possibly change if Donald Trump regains power.

Remember when some prominent Republicans called Trump a moron, an idiot and a narcissistic, pathological liar not fit to be president? They were right, but in the end they cowered, disregarded his demeanor and decided Trump was not so bad after all. And the Democrats, were like, Huh?

J.D. Vance some years ago said Donald Trump was “America’s Hitler.” Trump wasn’t offended. He might have even taken it as a compliment. Why else would he offer Vance the vice presidency? And the MAGA people were like, Hmm, OK — Yay! Yay!

As you can see, Republicans don’t need anyone to smear them. They can pretty much do that themselves.

Being called a Nazi is piddly compared to what the MAGAs have in store for Kamala Harris. Kamala is strong, exceptionally intelligent and brave enough to confront whatever smear bombs are hurled at her. She will swat them off her shoulder like dead flies. And she will be victorious! Mark my words.

Italo J. Zarate


Fan recalls late singer

I would like to thank FM 100.3 KTEX for playing a series of classic songs performed by Toby Keith as a tribute to the country music icon who was taken from us too soon on Feb. 5.

Those songs I during that hour on a recent Friday afternoon took me back to the time when he burst onto the scene with his brilliant performance of his debut single, “Should’ve Been a Cowboy” in a music video I saw on TV in February 1993.

Toby Keith performs at ACM Presents an All-Star Salute to the Troops on Monday, April 7, 2014, in Las Vegas. (Chris Pizzello/Invision/AP, File)

Toby Keith was the consummate musician who dedicated both his life and career to military and patriotic causes anyplace he toured in the U.S. and abroad.

May the man who was named Toby Keith Covel at birth be remembered truly as a man for all seasons, and may he live in the hearts of music fans (including mine) forever.

Roberto Lopez


Armageddon and America

Excerpts from the America’s Armageddon letter: “And I have but to ask what MAGA conspiracy theorists make of this, Har-Megiddo — Mar-a-Lago? … What can one deduce but that Armageddon itself is about to be put on the November 2024 ballot in America, home of Mar-a-Lago — or is it Har-Megiddo in the book of Revelation?”

The direct translation of Mar-a-Lago is Sea to Lake (Atlantic Ocean to Lake Worth Lagoon). Tel-Megiddo was an ancient city near the present-day Israeli kibbutz of Megido. What does Mar-a-Lago have to do with Megiddo or Armageddon?

This is what Jesus said about His second coming in Matthew 24:37 (NIV): “When the Son of Man returns, it will be like it was in the days of Noah.” And it was the wickedness of man that precipitated the Lord destroying the earth and later Sodom and Gomorrah. Read Genesis chapters 6 and 19 for yourselves.

The offensive and blasphemous opening ceremony of the 2024 Sodom and Gomorrah Olympics, naked men riding bicycles during pride month parades and drag queens with children on their laps reading books in public places to other children are but a few examples that paint a picture of today’s western societies. What people do in private is one thing. When promiscuous behavior and the mocking of Christ in public are condoned, that means offensive behavior has become acceptable to many people around the world. Not too much different than it was in Sodom and Gomorrah.

In addition, Israel’s many enemies across the world, including Democrats in the White House (the current feeble and senile “president” and “Barry Soetoro, aka Barack Dunham, aka Barack Hussein Obama”), on Capitol Hill and across America, could be the people who bring about “The day of the Lord.”

Zecharia 14:12 (NKJV ), written hundreds of years before Jesus’ birth, seems to describe the effects of a nuclear explosion: “And this is the plague with which the Lord will strike all the people who fought against Jerusalem: Their flesh shall dissolve while they stand on their feet, their eyes shall dissolve in their sockets, and their tongues shall dissolve in their mouths.” Interesting, isn’t it?

Something else, among the seven things the Lord hates: “Hands that shed innocent blood.” The butchering of more than 60 million unborn babies in America since 1973 could also add to the Lord’s anger and accelerate His return and wrath on mankind. The Lord Himself tells us to “choose life.”

But you can be assured, it won’t be Donald Trump who brings about Armageddon. According to several past headlines in the Jerusalem Post and the Times of Israel, Trump was the greatest friend Israel ever had in the White House. A Nov. 3, 2020, Times of Israel headline: By 70% to 13% Israeli Jews say Trump is better candidate than Biden for Israel.”

Genesis 12:3 (NIV): “I will bless those who bless you (Israel), and whoever curses you I will curse.”

Natividad Rodriguez


Unclear on elections

We keep hearing how much money has been donated for Kamala Harris. So is it who has the most votes or who has the most money that determines who wins the presidency?

Caroline L. Steele


Response to letter

In response to Mr. Sheats’ letter of Aug. 7, I’m an eighth-generation American; my ancestors and surviving descendants have been in this land paying taxes since 1743. You can’t be more American than that. I will always bless America and what it stands for, freedom.

1. According to Wikipedia and President Lincoln’s history, he was the Republican Party candidate when he won the presidency.

2. Mr. Sheats said President Biden has done everything he could considering the obstructionism from the Republican House. What is he talking about? He’s still keeping the border open, gives all Treasury resources to non citizens while Americans starve trying to survive. Our national debt is at $35 trillion and everybody is in denial. Who’s obstructing him? Let’s be thankful Biden has not been shot at, wished dead, censored, gagged or unconstitutionally convicted on pure political hate without viable evidence. Who’re the obstructionists?

3. About guns, no responsible, American wants carnage by AR-style weapons, nor harm by machetes, knives, rape or any form of violence against innocent people.

4. On the subject of putting unlawful crossers first and citizens last with other people’s money, Mr. Sheats credits and suggests Barack Obama and Biden are the contributors to this noble cause. Reminder: The Obama Foundation is registered as a 501(c)(3) non-profit. No taxes are required to be paid from federal grants received, nor donations under this rule, so it’s still using other people’s money to “help the poor.” As for Biden’s contributions to charity before 2008, ABC News reported average contributions from Biden were $369 a year.

It still is a hardly impressive amount, considering their elitist government-privileged positions. Subsidies these privileged actors may receive will never be headlined by a government- controlled media.

When average citizens like myself contribute to charity, it’s not from subsidy foundations or secretive donations, it’s real money coming from hard work and frugal determination, given when and where it’s needed and comes from the heart of struggling everyday citizens, not from government, tax-protected “non-profits.”

Imelda Coronado


Blame Democrats for Trump attack

Just a few comments regarding the assassination attempt on former President Trump.

First, the above-mentioned crime is in my opinion, a direct consequence of the toxic political environment created by members of the Democratic Party and their Trump-hating allies in the media who have painted Mr. Trump as some kind of monster hell-bent on destroying the country and our democratic institutions. Hence, it was only a matter of time before some run-of-the-mill Trump hater decided to take matters into his own hands. Why should anybody be surprised? Hate can be a powerful motivator.

What is truly disturbing is that some have been quick to minimize the assassination attempt and continue to express ill will toward former President Trump. Such individuals are clearly devoid of any sense of human decency and compassion. Those individuals should perhaps take a moment to reflect on the words uttered by an American soldier who was dodging bullets in a firefight during the Vietnam War: “I would not wish this on even my worst enemy.”

Ben Castillo


Devil created

In 2015 the Devil was created. A man so vile, an affront to all decency. An evil monster of unthinkable depravity.

The Fabricated Devil is Donald Trump and this media fabrication is history’s most aggressive, advanced psyop deception. Lucifer in Hell receives gentler, kinder treatment from Sunday pulpits.

Oddly, before politics he was the darling of the media, a superstar. Shows clamored to host him in friendly venues: flattering glamor shots on the covers of Time and Newsweek. Lovingly received by talk shows and the rap community (“racist,” remember?). He was the symbol of opulence that high society coveted.

Now the media reinvent him as “divisive.” “Wants to destroy the country.” “A threat to democracy.” A “racist white supremacist” or “Hitler reincarnated.” They defame him with breathtaking, superlative eloquence. A 2020 survey by the Media Research Center found that 95% of all Trump coverage was negative, 150 times more negative coverage than Joe Biden got.

Covens of witches convene to cast spells against him. He is fiercely hated by the wealthy elite, abortion radicals, child groomers, communists, drag queens, militant religious extremists and America-hating leftists.

They say you can know a person by who his enemies are, so they rewrote history to create the Devil. Raise your hand if you fell for it.

Jamey Honaker


Project 2025 and America

Have you heard about the radical conservative plan for Donald Trump’s second term? If not, take a look below to find out how the USA will be turned into a totalitarian, censored, privileges only for the few, nation.

Abortion: Makes several recommendations that could greatly limit how abortions are performed in the U.S. It would prohibit abortion providers, such as Planned Parenthood, from receiving Medicaid funds.

Social Security: Heritage Foundation (a Project 2025 author) said the Social Security retirement age “should be raised.”

Education: Project 2025 would “eliminate the Department of Education” It would send all education assistance and funding support back to the states,

use public, taxpayer money for private religious schools and eliminate Head Start

Civil Service: “Purges the government of thousands of civil servants and replace(s) them with unqualified, far-right MAGA loyalists.”

Expanded presidential powers: Prosecuting Biden administration officials and others, partly for investigations into Trump that led to criminal indictments.

Immigration: Detention capacity would more than double to 100,000 daily beds.

“Carries out the largest domestic deportation operation in American history. Estimated at10 million”

Business: Deregulates big business and the oil industry. Reduces the corporate tax rate to 18%.

All of these plus many more will result in the following for all but “special” Americans: reduced personal freedom, increased tax load on the middle class, teaching only Conservative approved subjects in our schools, censorship of any topic not approved by radical conservatives, government by only conservative appointed toadies, and interference in your family’s and personal welfare.

I am sure no moral, ethical, logical person can vote for this. Can you? I can’t!

Sources: The Poynter Institute, Snopes, Slate, Wikipedia.

Ned Sheats


Education is parents’ right

The recent open letter from McAllen faith leaders in the Upper RGV to administrators and educational community members concerning “book banning” made a statement that I as a former New York City teacher and medical doctor and surgeon for 44 years strongly with:

“We trust in the authority and the expertise of our school’s educators, administrators, and librarians. They have devoted their lives to the educational development of our children. They are the ones who are best equipped to understand the tools our children most need to learn.”

The only people who know what is best for the education of children are parents — and no other people. Parents have a God-given right to educate their children. There is a God and He provided laws and commandments that are guideposts for personal and community behavior.

School educators, administrators and librarians have no God-given right to educate children against their parents’ consent. For the government to assume it knows better than God and parents and proceeds to use children as human sacrifice victims dedicated to the public schools’ “gods of education” is pure idolatry.

Marelyn Medina


Misreading messages

Robert McCloskey’s quote, “I know you believe you understand what you think I said, but I’m not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant,” makes a lot of sense nowadays. Especially in this era of lies, disinformation and misinformation.

Here is an example: When the dozen or so Republicans who insisted on wasting time prosecuting Hunter Biden for, as they themselves might say, a ticky-tacky” offense, I called them out as “trembling little sycophant soldiers” who bend the knee to Trump’s childish vindictiveness. My remark rankled a reader and he responded by telling readers that the comment targeted the millions of people who voted for Trump. Huh?

“What are you in for?” “To prove the justice system isn’t rigged against Trump.”

Why would anybody think that? Is their purpose to disinform, to demoralize, to destroy, to diminish our faith in our democracy? OK, fine, join the new “old man” and his followers who are now loudly proclaiming crazy civil war rhetoric! Yeah! Terrify America Again!

Don’t be deceived! Vote Democrat! The times we’re in demand it!

Italo J. Zarate


Wording is confusing

First, I totally agree with Diane Teter’s letters about SpaceX. I certainly hope they decide against launching during nesting season.

Second, am not against immigration when it is lawful. And stating one party ignored a great deal from the other party is ignoring the fact that allowing 2,500 entries a day is OK is crazy. Then the fact that over many years we cut visas and accept legal crossers at border bridges without providing them with a way to support themselves and their families just sets them for hardship and failure.

Top panel: “The Biden/Harris administration has super-charged more migration across the border” Middle panel: “Of course, this is another one of their failed plans to get voted.” Bottom panel: “Our fact-checkers would have looked more into this issue, but after 4 years they quit out of exhaustion.”

Have heard and understood the rhetoric about a better life and the line our border is closed. A truly closed border is no crossings at non-dedicated asylum-seeking points of entry. If the people of Gaza could cross a border, don’t you think they would?

Also, Minnesota supports free health care for undocumented, meaning illegal crossers get “free” health care that is unfair to taxpayers. Our systems need to encourage good work ethic, not living on “the system” forever.

So, my confusion is all the wording used and not used.

Lauren Heiy


Editor’s note: We welcome your letters and commentary. Submissions must include the writer’s full name, address and daytime telephone number for verification. Letters of 200 words or fewer will be given preference. Submissions may be edited for length, grammar and clarity. Letters may be mailed to P.O Box 3267, McAllen, Texas 78502-3267, or emailed to [email protected].