DHR Health administering second dose of Pfizer vaccine

People who received the first dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine through DHR Health will be receiving their second vaccine starting Thursday.

“These doses are solely for the 5,850 people who received the first vaccination last month,” the press release stated.

A second dose is essential to the efficacy of the vaccine.

When administered properly within a 28-day span, the efficacy rate is between 94% and 95%, according to the company’s November press release.

Those who were vaccinated received a vaccination card with the date of their next scheduled dose.

DHR Health will be administering the vaccines from 7 a.m. through 7 p.m. starting Thursday through Sunday, Jan. 7-10, at the Edinburg Conference Center at Renaissance.

People must take their vaccination card to the center and show up on the date on the card. Those who do not have their card must immediately call the hospital’s COVID hotline at (956) 362-8800.

Photo ID will be required and the information must match the information on the vaccination card.

Only people who received their first dose at DHR Health will be allowed to receive the second dose. Special accommodations will be made for people who have recipients.

Hospital officials stress no first doses will be administered during this period.