Downtown Harlingen creates Virtual Window Display contest

HARLINGEN — From pumpkins and skeletons to an assortment of colorful lights, many of the shops in this historic area of the city have transformed in celebration of the holiday season.

Downtown Harlingen is holding a Virtual Window Display Contest on Facebook now through early November.

Residents and visitors taking a stroll through Downtown Harlingen will be able to enjoy the marvels of several window displays that are decorated with Halloween or fall themes that showcase what each business offers.

The contest began on Oct. 12 and has 16 participating businesses.

The photo that receives the most “likes” on Downtown Harlingen’s Facebook page by noon on Nov. 2 will be declared the winner of the contest.

Likes made on a shared post will not count as a vote.

Votes will only count if individuals like the picture posted in Downtown Harlingen’s Halloween/Fall Window Contest album on Facebook.

According to Downtown Director Alexis Alaniz, the contest is normally held every year on the last day of October during Downtown Harlingen’s Art Night.

However, it was decided that this year’s contest would be held virtually due to COVID-19.

“We’re just wanting to make sure that we get our merchants doing something during this holiday season because our small businesses have been struggling during this COVID crisis,” Alaniz said. “We just want them to kind of spread cheer throughout the community with Halloween and eventually for Thanksgiving and Christmas as well.”

Alaniz said there will be a sweet little surprise for the merchant that wins the contest.

Courtesy photo/Push Creative Designs

“A lot of our merchants here are very creative and they put their little twist on what they sell,” Alaniz said. “That’s why their window is so unique. It’s the way they decorate it with the items that they have in store, and you’ll see it in a different way than what you would see just in the store on a normal day.”

To cast a vote for a business in the Virtual Window Display Contest, visit Downtown Harlingen’s Facebook page at .

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