New District Rotary Governor; Bartnesky Jr. represents Harlingen

HARLINGEN — After years of being involved with the Harlingen Rotary Club, Eddie Bartnesky became District Governor for District 5930.

To become one, he had to be nominated two years prior and then serve as a District Governor elect and after that he is assigned the position. Bartnesky said he has to serve as club president and served as Assistant Governor, too.

It was a three-year process and he will serve as District Governor for the year 2020-2021. The district consists of 51 clubs from the Rio Grande Valley to Laredo, Victoria and Corpus Christi, etc.

“The purpose is to mainly assist these 51 clubs in the things they want to do as a Rotary Club. It oversees the clubs and we have a district staff with a treasurer and secretary,” Bartnesky said.

He will be overseeing all 51 this year and his primary function is to check the financial part as well as the schedule of each club.

Bartnesky said the selection process consisted of submitting an application to an advisory committee and then there is an interview process. The application must be endorsed by their club and there can only be one applicant.

“It is an extensive interview and after the selection committee will make their selection of who is more qualified and once selected that is where the fun begins,” he said.

Bartnesky attended a training session at an International assembly where all District Governors meet in San Diego.

He officially took over July 1. Bartnesky was supposed to visit each club but because of COVID-19 he is meeting over Zoom.

“We have a district conference where we get together and celebrate the year and it’ll be held the last weekend of April and first week in May. We will have our conference at the Harlingen Convention Center,” he said.

“That is a big celebration we have every year to celebrate the year and all the successes we’ve had. We are working on plans for that,” Bartnesky said.

He added he is excited for his new role.

“This is something I’ve always wanted to do. I worked my way up through the ranks and served in various offices in the district level. Now I have that opportunity and I look forward to the year,” he said.

“We are not looking at the challenges that are ahead of us, we are looking at them as opportunities. One of the primary goals I have is to get clubs more involved in community service projects, how can the Rotary Club assess those needs,” Bartnesky said.

Bartnesky selected “lend a helping hand” as a district theme for this year.

“We are lending a helping hand wherever we can,” he said.

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